Women Mc Travels
World Around Traveller

South America
North Amerika
North and South America

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Bem Vindo ! Benvenuti ! Bien Venido ! Bienavenue ! Bom Bini ! Dobrodosli ! Namaste ! Tanastalink ! Välkommen (S)! Velkommen (N)! Welkom !  Willkommen (G)!
Do you know this in other languages?

"26. Motorrad - FERNREISE - Treffen" Fr, 16. - So, 18.April.2004
bekannt auch als "Tesch - Travel - Treffen"

In Malmedy/Belgien. Max 300 Teilnehmer. Details und Anmeldung hier !

Wir sprechen über weltweite Reisen in allen Kontinenten. Aber haben zusätzlich jährlich wechselnde Schwerpunkte:
In 2004 "Afrika-Motorrad-Reisen" UND "Frauen-Motorrad-Reisen". Daher bitte ich auch alle "Afrika-Fahrer" und besonders "Frauen-Weitreisenden" zu kommen !


"26th Meeting for Motorcycle-WORLD-Travellers" Fr, 16th - Su,18th 04.2004
well known also as "Tesch - Travel - Treffen"

in Malmedy/Belgium. Max 300 participants. Details and booking here !

We speak about worldwide travels in all continents. But we have additional yearly changing main subjects :
In 2004 "Africa Motorcycling" AND "Women Motorcycle Travels"



How to see and print out (free of charge) or to buy maps for your mc-tour ?
See a good view for all continents or countries at:

South-America - Motorcycle - Travels / Reisen / Adventures
Süd-Amerika Motorrad-Reisen

Overland to, in and around South-America by Motorcycle

First list in internet about „South-America by Motorcycle".
02.1998: A part of this you find already published under: > >NEWS (now deleted).
28.05.2000: This collection was first time published in internet: > >continents > South-America.
I would be grateful if you could help to keep this update ! So far you find many language and grammar mistakes inside because of lack of time. Pardon. Will be corrected and updated with more Travellers in future.

Bernd Tesch has been working in this field since 1970. In this times I had to write letters and to phone or to visit the World-Around-Travellers to get contact / informations. Later Fax helped. In 1991 I visited the most famous motorcycle-travellers in Denmark, in 1993 in Britain, in 1994 in USA, in 1999 / 2000 in Australia and in between many in Europe (France, Germany, Netherland, Switzerland). Many of  famous South-America  Motorcycle Travellers have been at my yearly Motorcycle-Meeting for World-Travellers in april. I own the largest archive of  South-America Mc-Travellers. It is very hard to find informations about the history: "Exploring S-America by Motorcycle-Travellers". Do you motorcycle-travellers bewteen 1900-1950 ??

To find all this and all my activities was a „life-long job" and cost me a lot of money. Since many years I am working in a new book called „Süd-Amerika Motorrad-Reisen" = "South-America Motorcycle Travellers". All books about „South-America by Motorcycle" and "Alaska-Tierra del Fuego" which have been published until 1994 are published in my in German written, but very international understandable book called „Motorrad-Abenteuer-Touren" (432 pp, 500 pictures / drawings. About 264 Motorcyle World-Tours. ISBN 3-9800099-55-5. DM 38.90). I own all this books in all languages.

If there is shown „Book:" under the traveller and you want to read / order this you can check if it is still available: > > German / English version > Bestelliste or > Order. If you find this book there you can order it. I offer about 200 international available Motorcycle-TRAVEL-Books for sale.

If you are a South-America-Traveller or plan to do this or „on the road" already or know anyone who is not listed here, please send my any details, addresses, publications, homepages and most important: best pictures.

PLEASE give me at first a complete view like this EXAMPLE in the SAME STYLE and format in English:

01.10.1980 - 27.10.82
Müller, Sven (German)   your http://www.???
Solo South-America with BMW R 100 GS. 50.000 kms. Rode with Susan Smith (British) who rode a HONDA 500 XL.
Route: Europe 12.000 kms (Germany - Austria - Switzerland - Italy - Greek - Turkey ....) - Asia 15.000 kms (Iran - Pakistan - India - Nepal. Bike solo by plane to Singapure. I flew to Singapure. Malaysia - Thailand - back to Singapure). - Australia 16.000 kms (I flew together with bike to Darwin. Around  Australia 16.000 kms. Or offer names like: Darwin - Adelaide - Melbourne - Sydney ...) - North-America (I flew with bike to Los Angeles. LA - New York) - Africa - Europe (Bike by ship to Netherlands / Amsterdam - Germany / Cologne)..
Purpose of travel: ??
The best: I wanted to find myself. Freedom. Sun. Friendship of  Turkey people. invitation by Pakistani. Climbing the Himalayas........)
The worst: I got Malaria in Nairobi. Attack of soldiers with weapons in Iran.....)...
Important useful informations for others:....
Book or publication (about your tour):...

I am very grateful to all the individuals who knew that I am working in this field. They informed me worldwide by sending letters, later faxes and emails since 1994 about World-Around-Travellers. Without their help I could not get to this level. This internet-list had to be done very quick, because I did not have enough time. So please give me your „pardon" that there are mistakes inside of the informations and a lot in my language. At least you will never have seen such a huge collection of informations.

Bernd Tesch

This collection just have started. Will be continued. Please give me your view of  YOUR Motorcycle-Tour !

South-America - Motorcycle - Travels / Reisen / Adventures
Süd-Amerika Motorrad-Reisen

Overland to, in and around South-America by Motorcycle

Plan or experience? You can talk with 300 high experienced Motorcycle-Travellers who rode all continents so far :

All the great Motorcycle-Travellers who rode / ride Around-The-World and possibly crossed this continent as well are not included here. For this see > >Englisch or German version >continents >world

10-20 billion (= Millarden) years ago
The universe started to exist somehow.

4.5 billion years ago
The Sun and Earth were created. The earth is one of nine big planets of the sun. Possibly out of change of gravity in the universe it was caused that dust attracted each other at first to smaller parts which are getting bigger and bigger. Finally becoming big rocks which attracted each other to big planets. Most of them were attracted by the biggest part which is the sun. The nine planets could escape somehow the gravity of the sun and started to circle around the sun. All of the men / women who have been in satelits speak about the "blue planet earth" because about 70 % of the earth is water.

1 billion years ago
First signs of life on the earth.

25.000 years ago
The "homo sapiens" exists.

Ca. 16.000 - 8.000
Deutsch: Für die Frage, wie die ersten Menschen nach Nord-, Mittel- und Süd-Amerika kamen, gibt es drei Theorien mit jeweilgen Beweisen:

1. Mit Booten fuhren die Menschen von Asien entlang der Küste - Behringstrasse entlang der Westküste N-Amerikas bis nach S-Amerika.
2. Europäer kamen über den Atlantik nach N-Amerika.
3. Die Klobis-Menschen wanderten zu Fuß über die Behringstrasse ein und besiedelten N- und S-Amerika.

vor 16.000
zu 1. Mit Booten fuhren die Menschen von Asien entlang der Küste - Behringstrasse entlang der Westküste N-Amerikas bis nach S-Amerika.
Diese Theorie geht davon aus, daß die Menschen an der Küste alles hatten, was sie brauchten: Wasser und Nahrung auch durch Tiere. Man geht davon aus, daß Menschen schon seit 45.000 Jahren Netze bauen konnten, mit denen sie auch an Land Fallen bauen konnten ohne beim Fang z.B. gefährlicher Großtiere dabei zu sein. Kaum Beweise.

16.000 - 13.000

zu 2. Europäer kamen über den Atlantik nach N-Amerika.
Diese Theorie geht davon aus, daß die Menschen über den Atlantik nach N-Amerika kamen und von dort aus N- und S-Amerika besiedelten. Zu dieser Eiszeit waren große Wassermassen der Meere an den Polen und deren weiten Kappen durch Eis gebunden. Der Meeresspiegel soll ca. 130 m niedriger gewesen sein. Es bestand eine Landbrücke zwischen Asien und S-Amerika.
Im Museo Nacionale vo Rio de Janeiro / Brasilien befindet sich der "älteste Menschenschädel (?)" von N- und S-Amerika. Die Frau "Lusia" wurde 1 Stunde südlich von Rio de Janeiro gefunden. Ihr Schädel soll 13.-14.000 Jahre alt sein.
Am Amazos gibt es eine Höhle, in der Felszeichnungen von ca. 13.000 sind. Dieses sind die ältesten Höhlenzeichnungen von ganz Amerika.
Diese Menschen waren vom Skelett völlig verschieden von den in Amerika gefundenen Klobis-Menschen. Sie haben eher die Ähnlichkeit von Skeletten von Afrika oder Australien.

zu 3. Die Klobis-Menschen wanderten zu Fuß über die Behringstrasse ein und besiedelten N- und S-Amerika.
Diese Theorie geht davon aus, daß die Menschen nach dem Ende der Eiszeit vor 8.000 Jahren von Asien über die Behringstrasse über die zurückgegangenen Eismassen im Norden von N-Amerika nach N- und S- Amerika einwanderten. Der Name "Klobis" jommt von einer Fundstätte der "ersten Menschen N-Amerikas (?)" in New Mexico ca. vor 8.000 Jahren. Nach dieser Theorie haben sich in wenigen Jahrhunderten die Menschen bis nach Feuerland ausgebreitet. Die Klobis-Kultur umfaßte die Herstellung von Steinwerkzeugen wie Speilspitzen aus Feuerstein.

B.T.: Diese Informationen über den letzten Stand der Frühgeschichte der Menschen Amerikas stammen wesentlich aus einem TV-ZDF-Film am 28.10.2001. Danach sollte der in N-Amerika gefundene "Klobis-Mensch und die Klobis-Kultur" der äteste Mensch von ganz Amerika sein. Nach den Funden von "Lusia" in S-Amerika dürfte diese Theorie aber hinfällig sein. Im Film wurde angemerkt, daß die Kenntnisse von S-Amerika in N-Amerika kaum zur Kenntnis genommen werden.

First Motorcycle (called Motor - Rad) from Gottlieb Daimler
1 - Zyl. Viertakt - Motor. 264 ccm. 0,5 PS (0,37 kw). Max 12 km/Std.

Heinrich and Wilhelm Hildebrand and Alois Wolfmüller founded the first Motorcycle-Fabric.
Until 1896 they build more than 1000 Motorcycles: Wassergekühlter 2 - Zyl. Viertakt - Motor. 1488 ccm. 2,5 PS (1,85 kw). Ca. 40 km/h. Glührohrzündanlage.

NSU. In the first  year of production of  Motorcycles of the firm NSU (NeckarSUlm, founded in 1892) they produced 100 motorcycles and 7000 bicylest. NSU invented the suspension of the front fork and sold later huge peaces of  NSU-motorcycles.

1900 - 1973
To find the earliest Motorcycle-Travellers  in South America is very hard. I tried this many years. If you have any infomations about these I would be very grateful for informations.

29.12.1951 - 26.07.1952
Guevara, Ernesto Che and Alberto Granado
Latino Americana Tabebuch einer Motorradreise 1951/52 mit einer Norton 500 ccm. Am 29.12.1951 bricht der 23-jährige Ernesto Che Guevara mit seinem Freund Alberto Granado und dem Hund „Comeback" zu einer Motorrad-Reise durch Süd-Amerika auf. Sie durchqueren den Kontinent und sind im nächsten Sommer wieder zu Hause.
Route: Von USA (Miami) per Flugzeug nach Argentinien (Buenos Aires) - von dort per Motorrad durch Argentinien nach Chile hier streikt das Motorrad und - Peru - Equador - Kolumbien - Venezuela (Caracas) - von dort per Flugzeug am 26.07.1952 nach USA (Miami) zurück.
Book: Kiepenheuer & Witsch. Köln. Deutschland. 1994. Deutsche Ausgabe: ISBN 3-462-02383.

10.1973 - 02.1975
Kreuselberg, Hans and Dieter Grund (Germans, died in ..)
Around South-America. Hans travelled a lot by backpacking and car in four continents before he travelled in South America. HIs journeys included visits in 70 countries including a tour Around Africa by car. Unfortunately Hans did not write down even a view about this historical Africa tour, but I remember that he showed me once his tour on a map visiting me. He even crossed Angola. He was a real pioneer Globetrotter because he was the first who circled South-America by car (Volkswagen) and possibly Africa by car as well. Hans published in the time of coming Globetrotter guides his first book "Südmerka": Die erste Rundreise und Amazonasdurchqquerung: 71.271 kms (30.000 kms were off-road) in december 1975. Later he updated this book.
Hans visited the Globetrotter-Meetings of Bernd Tesch several times and was a personal globetrotter-friend of Bernd Tesch. Hans passed away about ca. 1994 and nobody took care of his death. Unfortunately he was not married and has no relations I know.
B.T.2002: I knew Hans very good. He was intensively interested in long world-tours. He has been in Asia and circled nearly Africa in total even before he travelled in South America. Hans was the first who circled South America by car. Only very few motorcycles have circled South America in total.

Kreuselberg, Hans
1st globetrotter-guide "Südamerika" about south America in German language.

14.04.1975 - 26.10.1975
Lippert, Peter (28, German, Warendorf) and Hendrik Sendker (30, German)
Peter (BMW 750) and Hendrik (HONDA 750) rode 6 months about 25.000 kms through South America.
Pubication: 08 - 09.11.1975 and some weekends in Newspaper GLOCKE in Warendorf

Velbinger, Martin (German)
Martins first guide "South America" came out.
B.T. 06.03.2003: Martin is a very personal travel-friend of Bernd Tesch. While we have been writing our books we exchanged information for hours by telephone at deep night. When we saw each other we had wonderful times and good talks toghether.

01.11.1981 - 31.03.1983
Dick, Christian (German, born 02.04.1955)
North -, Central - and South-America.
Christian rode solo with a HONDA XL 500 S Enduro from North - America (20.000 kms in 5 months) over Cental-America (5.000 kms in 2 months) to South-America (25.000 kms in 9 months). In total about 55.000 kms in 17 months (including six weeks "on the water").
Route: Germany (Heidelberg) - USA (Boston) - Canada (Vancouver). From there generally the route Panamericana: USA (Westcoast) - Mexico (Baha California, Mexico City) - Guatemala - Honduras - Nicaragua - Costa Rica - Panama. With a plane to Columbia (Bogota) - Ecuador - Peru - Bolivia - Argentina- Chile (Puerto Mont) - Argentina - Paraguay - Brasil.
Purpose of travel: Fullfilling a long dream after my studies in Heidelberg. Looking for adventures. Meeting the people of the world. Highlights: - Towns like Vancouver, San Francisco, Quito, La Paz, Rio de Janeiro. - The absolute different landscapes in the various countries. - The hospitality in almost all countries all over America. - Got hit by a bullet in Mexico (near Oaxaca) into my but. 10 days hospital. - Tour into the Bolivian jungle with 3 Bavarians on their bikes (Christoph del Bondio, Alfred and Thomas Müller) to visit the old German adventurer Hans Ertl (80 years), who (was ?) living near Concepcion. - Transport of the motorcycles in small boats through the Bolivian jungle because the roads were muddy and not to pass. - From Rio de Janeiro with a ship (Luxeryliner "MS Astor" back to Europe (Genua) as a simple worker in the mashine-room. Free of charge for me and the bike and with DM 500,00 money for my work. And a temperamental love affair with a German Stewardess Maren.
The worst: The shot into my best part (see above).
Publication: Partial discription in PS, The Motorcycle News, No.12 / 1985.
Useful informationes and Tips for others: Too long ago. But, don´t prepare so much, just start your dream. A lot comes different as you have ever thougth.
1985 Christain gave a slides-show at the Tesch-Mc-Meeting.
1985,1999, 2001 visitor of The Tesch-Mc-Meeting. Christian rode and tool car for a BMW R 100/7 220.000 kms.
04.2001 Out of his memory Christian told me that at this time he met the following Mc-travellers: 5 in NA, 2 in CentralA und 10 in SA,

Ca. 1984 - 1987
Schmidt, Lothar and N. (German)

3 years with a Mercedes Bus 306 D through 24 contries of Africa - North-America nad a complte round in South America.
Publlication: +Tours 2.1987. Book: "Abenteuer Unterwegs".

> 1984
Müller, Alfred (German)
Ritt ans Ende der Welt
Publication: Motor Reisen und Sport 15.1984: 62.000 km von Venezuela (Caracas) ans Ende der Welt

14.06.1985 - 30.12.1985
Burny, Patrick (Belgium)
Around South America. Der Belgier Patrick fuhr vom 14.06.-30.12.1985 mit einem Honda-Trike 250 ccm 32.500 eine komplette Runde in Süd-Amerika. Strecke : Venezuela (Caracas) - Brasilien (Manaus - Belem per Schiff - Brasilia - Salvador - Rio Grande) - Uruguay (Montevideo) - Argentinien - (Buenos Aires) - Chile (Santiago) - Bolivien (La Paz) - Peru (Lima) - Equador (Quito) - Kolumbien (Bogota) - Venezuela (Caracas).
Reise-Führer. Reise-Bericht. Süd-Amerika. 1986. Burny, Patrick L'Amerique du sud sur trois Roues. Deutsch : Süd-Amerika auf drei Rädern. 216 S. 25 SW-Fotos. 12 Kartenskizzen. 11 SW-Skizzen. 21,5 cm x 15. Verlag: Selbstverlag. Patrick Burny. Chastre. Belgien. Published 01/1986. BF 400 (1992)

1988 - 1989
Büchel, Helmar (German from Kassel)
The journalist Helmar rode 65.000 kms with a BMW R 80 G/S PD from Alaska via Colombia to Tierr del Fuego in one year. In SAmerika 12.000 kms.
Publication: MOTORRAD 05.1989 about th part of South America.

12.11.1989 -10.05.1990
Schröder, Michael with Ute König (Germans)
Michael rode with BMW R 80 G/S in five months 22.000 kms (7.000 kms off-road) in the south of Chile and Argentina for DM 5.500.
Publication: + Motorrad-TOUREN 02.1991
1991 Slides-show Tesch-Travel-Treffen

17.04.2003 Request X for update

1990 - 2000
05.09.1990 - 20.02.1991
Peter Fischer (German) and Britt Hilkermeier no www.
First motorbike tour to South America 10.000 kms with Britt (Yamaha XT 500) on Kawasaki KLR 650 ( Peter). Peter sails from Hamburg to Buenos Aires on a merchant containership of  shippingline Hamburg-Süd with the 2 bikes on board. Women are not allowed on bord. So Britt has to take the plane to Argentina.
Route: Argentina (Buenos Aires - Cordoba - San Luis) - Chile (Mendoza - the Chilian lake district) - Argentina (Perinsula Valdez - Azul - Buenos Aires). Peter went back to Germany on the merchant ship "Cap Polonio". Britt took the plane.
The best: The friendly people and the national parks in Argentina.
The worst: 3 weeks on a merchant ship cleaning every part of the ship.
10.10.1992 - 25.04.1993
Peter Fischer (German) Britt Hilkermeierand Rainer Helmke
Second motorbike tour to South America ca. 20.000 kms. With Rainer ( Yamaha XT 600) and Britt (sozia from Peter on KLR 650). The 3 friends by plane, the bike by ship.
Route: Argentina (Buenos Aires) - Chile (Carreterra Austral - Ushuaia (Tierra del Fuego) - Argentina (via Ruta 40 - to
Mendoza - San Luis - Buenos Aires): By plane to Germany, the bikes by ship.
The best: The mountains at Cordoba and San Luis provinz.
The worst: The wind in south Patagonia.
23.10.1993 - 10.01.1996
Peter Fischer (German) and Britt Hilkermeier
Third motorbike tour to South America ca. 50.000 kms. Riding to the south of Argentina and Chile on KLR 650 cracking the
120.000 km with the original engine. Living and working as a mechanic in San Martin de los Andes in Chile (northern Patagonia) for 1 year. Staying in Argentina (Buenos Aires at Plaza Cycles) and working 3 months as an motorbike mechanic.
Route: Argentina (Riding the Pampa) in wintertime - Chile (northern an southern part, riding 3 times the Carraterra Austral) - Bolivia (Gran Chaco) - Brasil (south) - the bike by containership with Hamburg-Süd to Germany. Back to Germany in july 1994 ??? flying to Buenos Aires, the bikes on ship.
The best: Bolivia (La Paz and Titicaca lake) knowing better the Patagonian National Parks.
The worst: Got 3 days in Argentina in jail in Mendoza after a crash with a pedestrian.
03.1996/97 – 1997/98
Peter Fischer (German)
Fourth motorbike tour on Honda Transalp in South America ca. 20.000 kms. Tourguide for the motorbike Travel Company
“Edelweiss Bike Travel“. 7 tours in Chile and Argentina (Tour of the Andes. Santiago de Chile. Puerto Varas. Bariloche. Argentina. Mendoza. Santiago de Chile).
Private Route: Comming from Chile crossing the big salt lake Uyuni - Bolivia going north, crossing other salt lakes - Bolivia (to La Paz).
The best: The people in the streets were prout to see travelers on scooters. We were very welcome in every place.
The worst: The European bikers on there traveling super bikes did not even like to speak with scooter riders.
??.1996/97 – ??.1997/98
Peter Fischer (German)
Fifths tour with Rainer Helmke and Frank Buettner to the south of  Chile ( Carreterra Austral) and Argentina.
Which motorbikes ?? kms ??
The best: ??
The worst: ??
??.04.1999 – ??.08.1999
Peter Fischer (German)
Sixth motorbike tour on Honda Transalp in South America ca. 20.000 kms.
Route: Argentina (Buenos Aires) - to the South of Chile (Pucon) - Argentina (Cordoba - San Luis - Neuquen - Bariloche
- Temuco Chile - (Santiago de Chile) - Argentina (La Rioja - Tucuman - Salta. Here I worked with my friends fom „Movietrack“ 4x4 Raids for 2 months - Paraguay (Asuncion - Iguazu) - Uruguay (Montevideo) - Argentina (Buenos Aires).
November 1999
Peter Fischer (German)
Ca.7000 kms in 4 weeks with dealers from Vespa Germany. Organizing and guiding tour throug 5 countries in Latinamerica on Vespa Hexagon 180 cc scooters.
Route: Argentina - Chile - Paraguay - Uruguay - Brasil - Buenos Aires - Santiago - Asuncion - Foz do Iguazu - Montevideo.
Dezember 1999
Peter Fischer (German)
Opening a bike shop and pension in Temuco Chile. 600 km in the south of  Santiago de Chile. Instructor for BMW Chile and Argentina. Showing the people what you can do with a BMW motorbike. Organizing roadshows in Chile. Trips with European tourist on bikes in the south of Chile.
09.2000 I met Peter at the Motorcycle-Travel-Meeting in Gieboldehausen first time
B.T.: Peter is one of the most experienced Mc-Travellers in South America since 1990. He lives in Chile (Temuco, ca. 700 kms south of Santiago de Chile along routa 40). He offers there acommendation, has a repair-workshop for motorcycles and sells motorcycle equipment. So he is an important address for Mc-Travellers travelling this area.
Peter Fischer Matta 0545. Temuco in Chile. Tel. + Fax (0056) - 45-212775. Email:

11.02.1990 - 27.08.1990
Kühne, Hendrik und Michel Obertin (Luxembourg)
Michel with YAMAHA XT 250 and Hendrik with YAMAHA XT 500 rode 18.000 kms through South America. They saw 9 Motorcycle-Travellers in 6,5 months.
Route: Argentina (Buenos Aires) - Ushuaia - Chile (Santiago) - Argentina - Bolivia - Peru (Machu Picchu) - Bolivia - Brazil - Argentina - (Buenos - Aires).
Publication: + REVUE

21.10.1992 - 28.06.1993
Krämer, Peter (born 05.01.1961)
South-America south-north. The German self employed geograph Peter (BMW R 100 GS) and Kurt Klöser (Kawasaki KLR 650) rode 19.764 motorbike kms through Southamerica.
Route: Argentina (Buenos Aires, Ushuaia) - Chile (Paine National Park, Arica, Potosi) Bolivia (La Paz) - Peru (Machu Picchu) - Bolivia (La Paz) - Brasil (Porto Velho, Manaus, Gran Sabana) - Venezuela (Caracas). From here by bus: Brasil (Merid) - Colombia - Equador - Galappagos Islands - Ecuador. By plane to Brasil (Manaus. By ship to Belem. By bus to Recife. By plane home.
Purpose of travel: Like to travel.
Highlights: Many different, but nothing special.
The worst: Was there something?
Book or publication : "Südamerika", Selbstverlag.
Useful informations and TIPS for others: In 2001 it is too long to offer actuell informations.
B.T.: Peter - always being very modest - called me once that he has his book ready about South America and wanted to print only 100 books. But I recommended him to print 500 books after I helped him a little bit to organise the sale. His in German written book "Südamerika" (40 b&w-fotos. 246 pp. 6 route-maps) is his personal story with all his feelings, what he saw and about what he was thinking while travelling riding with a companion and meeting the inhabitans. But the book includes as well tips for sightseing, routes and sleeping places. Finally a love-story. Peter has travelled as well by by ship, bus, railway.
Peter has been several times at the Tesch-Mc-Meeting" and my private guest. I know that in his mind still is the secret plan to write a book about his earlier African-Mc-Tour...
07.03.98 In the Mc-Magazine MOTORRAD the book was published.

01.04.1995 - ca. 01.1996
Gutmann, Marc (German)
South-America. Around-The-World. Marc planned 6,5 months. After 9 months he returned with his SUZUKI DR 650 after 25.000 kms (off-road ca. 7000 kms). Marc rode in many curves through SA and visited 9 different countries. Because he did not want to be in South America within a day he and his bike shipped with Polish Ocean Lines from Danzig (Polan) to Argentina (Buenos Aires).
Purpose: He visited  many SOS-children villages in SA.
01.-02.04.1995 Participant of the 17. Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers. Marc started his tour here.
30.-31.03.1996 Participant of the 18. Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers. He gave a slides-show: "Süd-Amerika".
14.-16.04.2000 Participant of the 22. Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers. Marc finished his tour here.
2001 plan: Another great tour!

26.12.1995 - 31.01.1996.
Braga, Clodoaldo Turbay Dr. (Brasilian) or
South-America. Four Brasilians like Clodoaldo (Cagiva 90) and Iga, Dalton, Helio ( all with BMW R 1100 GS) rode 14.754 kms in 33 days to the southern point of the planet an somehow a huge round in South-America.
Route: Brasilien (Curtiba) - Argentinien - Chile - Argentinien (Ushuaia) - Chile - Argentinien - Uruguay - Brasilien.
Book: Caminhos da Grande Cordilheira (in Portuguese. Titel in German: „Mit dem Moto zu den „Grande Cordilheira (Anden)".

15.10.1996 - 03.12.1996
Montani, Angela (Peruvian, born 11.08.1976) and
Daniel Scheidel (German, born 29.04.1959)
+ Peru - Brasil - Paraguay - Argentina - Chile - Peru. Angela and Daniel rode together 9500 kms on one HONDA Africa Twin 750.
Purpose: Fun an wildlife (fotografing)
Route: Peru (Lima - Cuzco - Puerto Maldonado) - Brasil (Brasileia - Rio Branco - Porto Velho - Cuiaba - Pantanal - Iguazu) - Paraguay (Ciudad del Este - Asuncion) - Argentina (Resistencia - Salta - San Antonio de los Cobres) - Chile (San Pedro de Atacama - Arica) - Peru (Tacna - Lima)
Highlights: Pantanal and San Pedro de Atacama (geysires de el tatio)
The worst: Crashing down (Angela broke her arm) a collapsing wooden bridge in the pantanal
Usefull information: Trip should be done one month earlier, since the rainy season had already begun (deep mud between puerto maldonado and brasileia
Other experioences: A lot of other trips in southern south america, like buenos aires to tierra del fuego, chile: carretera austral to parque nacional torres del paine, from buenso aires via uruguay and rio de janeiro to recife, peru/bolivia/argentina: tacna - arica- cochabamba - chapare - santa cruz - jujuy - buenos aires
1981, 1982, 2001, 2003 participant of the Tesch-Motorcycle Meetings for World-Travellers
2001 Geschäftsführer der IHKammer in Argentinien, Buenos Aires.

07.10.1997 - 25.04.1999
Pohlmann, Martin (German)   no www.
Most of South America. The plummer-engineer and musican (trumpet) Martin rode solo 35.000 kms in 7 different countries in South America with BMW R 100 GS.
Route: Germany (send his mc with Big Bike Tours to) - Argentina - Paraguay - Uruguay - Argentina - Chile (Ushuaia) - Bolivia - Peru - Equador - both flew back from Quito by Air France to Germany (München).
Highlights: Lake-area Sala de Uyumi. Iguazu water falls. Valdez in Argentina. Moreno Ice. Atacama desert. Yungas (= mountains in the east of the Andes). Cusco. Steppe northwest of Argentina. Hospitallity in Argentina. Chile is best organised. Nicest people in Bolivia.
The Worst: Agressivity of people in Peru.
Publications. No.
11.-13.04.2003 6 times participant of the Tesch-Motorcycle-Traveller-Meetings

07.1997 - 08.1999
Mizuno, Keiji
South-America. The Japanese Mc-Traveller Keiji rode solo with HONDA XLR 250 R.
Route: June 1997: Motorcyle send by ship from Japan to Chile (Varparaiso) - Peru (at Huaras I met Germany Rider Daniel Duwe (Transalp) and Astrid Griep (DR 350 R) - Ayacucho (I met Swiss rider Bluno Blum with TT600). I drove with Bruno:
Cusco - Arequipa - Puno - Chile (La Paz - Salar Uyuni - Laguna Colorado - Laguna Verde) - Peru (1997, Oct + Nov.
I backed to Peru. I went northern jungle,Yurimaguas) - In december 1997 I backed back to Japan for one month - Chile (1998 from 02.-05.1998 Patagonia) - at Usuhaia I met my friend Seiji and Harumi who are travelling for 5 years around the world with Honda. We drove together in Patagonia. In June 1998 I was looking for a job in Santiago) - Argentina (I passed northern Andes of Argentina) - Bolivia (I met with Seiji and Harumi again. We rode togehter Salar - Uyuni - L.Verde - Potosi - Sucre - Villamontes - Santa Cruz back to La Paz. In Sept. 1998 La Paz - Ulla Ulla N.P. - Puno - jungle part, Puerto Mardonado) - Brazil - I went Port Vello (Brazil) - 1998, Oct. I took ferry boat from Port Vellho to Manaus. Then I went Caracas (Venezuela) - 1998-9, Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. I was in Merida (Venezuela) - 1999, March: I went Quito,Equador. I met with Seiji and Harumi and Tadao and Miho who are Bernd Teschs friends - 1999, April. May: I went back to Lima. Then I went Pucallpa (Peru, in jungle) - I took ferry boat from Pucallpa to Belem (Brazil) - It was 16 days trip from up source of Amazon to end - 1999, May. June: Drive along the coast of Brazil from Belem to Sao Paulo - at Sao Paulo I met Tadao again - 1999, June. July: Drive from Sao Paulo - Foz do Iguazu - Asuncion - north of Argentina to Bolivia with Tadao - We rode from Salar Uyuni to L.Verde - then we arrived at Iquique (Chile). We tried to send Tadao´s BMW from there. 1999, Aug: I came back to La Paz alone - I´ll try to send motorcycle from Peru back to Japan.
1999 The Japanese Motorcycle-Traveller Tadao informed me from South-America that he met the Japanese Mc-Traveller Keiji being in La Paz.
B.T.: One of the longest South-America mc-travel I have heard from. May be the longest. ...

29.11.1999 - 05.04.2000
Asmuth, Karl-Heinz (= Tango-Kalle, born 1952) (German)
Argentina. Chile. BMW F 650. Karl-Heinz rode solo Buenos Aires - Ushuaia - Santiago de Chile - Buenos Aires. 15.000 kms (9.000 kms asphalt, 6.000 kms dirt route).
Route: Buenos Aires via la routa tres to Ushuaia - Punta Arenas - Torres del Paine - glacier Perito Moreno - via la routa cuarenta to Chile Chico - Isla Chiloe - Puerto Montt - vulcan Villarica and vulcan Orsorno - San Martin del los Andes - Santiago de Chile - Mendoza - Cordoba -  Azul - Buenos Aires. There I took Tango lessons.
Highlights: The widness and the incredible light of Patagonia and the unbelievable landscape of the Andes. I am very impressed of the kindness and hospitalty in Argentina and Chile. Now I have a lot of new friends there. For myself I have found inner fredom and tranquillity.
Reasons for travelling: Motorcycling and dancing tango. In 1996 "Kalle" had several times a dream, that he should travel by motorcycle to Australia and South-America. This, although the computer-expert never wanted to ride a motorcycle. In 1997 he has been for some weeks in Argentina and Chile, dancing Tango with enthusiasm. Here he loved to meet the people there. His special wish is to ride off road in Carretera Austral/Chile. At 31st of december he will celebrate the millenium in Usuhaia.
25.06.99: Kalle visited Bernd Tesch for recommendation.

03.12.2000 - 11.02.2001
Nicole Klingler and Schmidt Markus (Germans)
Plan Argentina and Chile. Markus (XT 600 E) and his girlfriend Nicole (TransAlp) will ride in SAmerica.
Route: Buenos Aires to Tierra del Fuego or not, they don't know, or to Chile Chico, the Carreterra Austral north, then Parque National Nahuel Huapi, Ruta Quarenta, Salta, to San Pedro de Atacama or not, and to Foz de Iguazu, or not. Actually they are on holiday and don't care, where they are when.... holiday.....
Useful informations and TIPS for others:  Bike Transport with Schenker Eurocargo, with crates (metall from motorcycle-dealers), Darmstadt-Buenos Aires costs DM 700 per Bike one way including freightinsurance. (600 without)

31.12.2000 - 07.01.2002
Pütz, Birgit and Jo Deleker (Germans, born Birgit 1961, Jo 1959)
First SAmerica-tour: 15.10.97 - 01.05.1998. Computer-expert Birgit (BMW R 80 G/S) and Journalist Jo (Dominator) rode already (most of the time with Andreas Hülsmann, who wrote the book in German "Auszeit": 25.000 km in Süd-Amerika about this tour) in Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Brazil.

Route: Buenos Aires - Iguazu Falls - Tierra del Fuego/Ushuaia - Ruta Cuarenta - Carretera Austral - Santiago - Mendoza - Salta - Arica - Santiago.
Highlights: Lots of them
Book or publication: Motorcycle magazin MOTORRAD 20/98, 4/99, 4/2000.......
Useful informations and TIPS for others: to much to write here
Second SAmerica-tour: 31.12.2000 - 01.07.2001 Birgit (SUZUKI DR 650 SE) and Jo (Honda Dominator) again plan to cross "a little bit" of South America  in six months.
Route: Germany (Mc by plane to Chile (Puenta Arenas). Both fly to Argentina (Buenos Aires and then to Ushuaia) - from Ushuaia they found a ship visting the Antarctic. By mc from Ushuaia north hrough the Andes to Ecuador. From 65° South (Antarctica) to 0° (Ecuador): Ushuaia/Argentina- through Chile and Argentina up to Bolivia, then Peru and Ecuador.
Highlights: At least one per day
Reasons for travelling: Freedom. Real Living. Fun and whatsoever.

21.01.2001 - 24.09.2001
Norris, Jane-Banbury and David Banbury (British, live in Australia, age 32 and 34 in 2001) ("Babe and Yahoo in S. America")
+ Around South-America.
"Babe and Yahoo" rode on two Honda Transalps 30.500 kms in 8 months.
This was our honeymoon. We rode around S.America with no fixed plan and very little research beforehand. We like to take it as we find it. We were on 2 Honda Transalps (1993 model) which we had previously bought in England (2nd hand) and ridden to India and then shipped to Australia for 18 months. The bikes were old with ~80,000kms on each before this trip. We had minimal preparation time but Transalps are reliable. Our luggage was soft panniers we had made from buffalo skin in Pakistan. They look rough but work really well and we prefer them to the hard ally panniers we had before.
Route: We shipped the bikes from Sydney to Val Paraiso in Chile where we got them out through the port in 1/2 day with no bribes and not much trouble. We rode 30.500 kms in total taking minor roads and dirt tracks where possible and avoiding highways: Santiago de Chile - Conception - Alto Bio Bio cross-country to Lonquimay - Temuco - zig-zag through the Lake District crossing between Chile & Argentina several times - south on Routa 40 in Argentina to Perito Moreno National Park - El Chalten - Perito Moreno Glacier - Rio Gallegos - cross to Chile to get to Tierra del Fuego then back to Argentina to get to Ushuaia - back to Chile to go trekking in Torres del Paine National Park - took boat from Puerto Natales to Puerto Montt - south on Camino Austral to Pichanco - back to Santiago by end of March. Santiago - cross to Argentina - north to Paso Agua Negra back to Chile - Pisco Elqui - north to Paso San Francisco back to Argentina - north to Cafayate - Salta - Paso Sico back to Chile - San Pedro de Atacama - Iquique. Then on one bike north to Peru - Tacna - Mazo Cruz - Desaguadero - Cusco - Inca Trail - Puerto Maldonado (by plane) - Abancay - Camana - south along coast back to Chile - Iquique by end of May - Back on 2 bikes - Iquique - Salar de Surire near Bolivian border)- Putre - cross to Bolivia - Oruro - Potosi - Sucre - Toro Toro National Park - Santa Cruz - San Ignacio - San Jose - Cochabamba - La Paz - Coroico - Rurrenabaque - Riberalta - cross to Brazil - Porto Velho - by boat to Manaus & Belem - Sao Luis - Jericoacoara - Acarau - Brazillia - Cascavel - Iguazu - cross to Argentina - Salta - Paso Sico to Chile - San Pedro de Atacama - Iquique by mid-September. We sold the bikes in Iquique which was easy and we got a good price. Caught the bus back to Santiago & flew back to Aus.
Purpose of travel: Fun & adventure.
Highlights: Camping in the Chile/Argentine Lake District, Perito Moreno Glacier, Camino Austral in the sun, the high Andean Passes between N.Chile & Argentina, Jesuit missions in East Bolivia, beach in Brazil, Iguazu.
The worst: Travelling with a guy who hit a child in Bolivia. Endless problems getting out of Bolivia via the north, neck trouble in Brazil.
Book or publication about the tour): .......
Useful informations and TIPS for others: Endless. Soft bags are good, bikes can usually get through road blockades, get off the highways, it's amazing what you can fix on the road, don't count on couriers to send you stuff you need,...
Earlier Experiences of big Motorcycle-Tours: UK to India in 7 months 1998.
03.10.2001 1st. information by Grant Johnson:
03.10.2001 1st email to them.
03.11.01 1st contact. Missing: Are you married now with the same name ? Your professions?
Better born years.

??.02.2001 + ??.??.2001 (6 Monate)

Schröder, Michael (German) and Franca Buzza (Italian) http:www.motorradonline/suedamerika/index.html
The redacteur Michael of MOTORRAD / department Unterwegs plans to ride through South America for six months. Michael wants to update this homepage about all two weeks.
03.11.2001 Another email with request to them.
23.03.2003 request x for update
17.04.2003 Request X+1 for update

30.03.2001 - 19.09.2001
Almut Franke and Christian Bülter (Germans)
+ South-America. Almut (25) and Christian (25) planned to ride 12.000 kms through SA on two Honda NX 250.
Almut and Christian rode with two HONDA NX through four countries of SAmerica 14.000 kms.
Route: Chile - Bolivia - Peru - Ecuador
Info: Wir haben unsere Motorräder von Deutschland aus verschifft und dann 6 Monate Südamerika bereist. In Ecuador haben wir die Maschinen dann verkauft. Es war eine fantastische Reise. Besonders beeindruckt haben uns: Der wüste, karge Norden Chiles. Einsames Zelten in freier Natur. Die fantastischen Pässe über die Anden. Lamas, Alpacas und Vicunas. Das überall freundlichen Menschen, die sehr interessiert an unserer Reise waren. Das bunte La Paz. Das Amazonas-Tiefland, durch das wir uns in einer fiesen Schlammschlacht gekämpft haben. Die peruanische Familie, bei der wir einige Tage gewohnt haben und mit der wir Freundschaft geschlossen haben. Die beeindrucken Nasca-Linien. Das unglaublich grüne Ecuador.
11.2000 1st contact
27.01.2002 1st summary.

23.11.2001 - 18.01.2002
+ Chile . Argentina. Liß, Hanka (German, born 1965). Isenbügel, Frank (German, born 1966). Günther, Jens (German, born 1967)
Hanka, Jens and Frank = "Isi" rode on two BMW R 80 GS 10.000 km in Chile and Argentina. They flew their bikes to Santiago and started in November to south. They rode fantastic gravel roads in the Chilean and Argentina Lakes District among smoking vulcanos and deep blue lakes (roads trough the P.N. Conguillio, P.N. Villarica, Paso Carirrine to Argentina, P.N. Lanin and P.N. Los Alerces). At Coihaique the went back to Chile and hit there on the great Carretera Austral. They rode trough the green rainforests in P.N. Queulat and Parque Pumalin. For going north they shipped to Isla Chiloe and then to the mainland at Puerto Montt. Bevore going back to Santiago they rode around the Lago Llanquihue and visitesd the vulcano Osorno.
North: At Christmas began in Santiago the second part of the travel. They followed the Panamericana north in the hot and dry Atacama Desert. On New Years Eve they arrived at 4.300 above the sea level the world`s highest geyser field El Tatio near San Pedro de Atacama. For crossing the Atacama Desert they used gravel roads and minig roads from San Pedro de Atacama over the Salar de Atacama, Mina Escondida, Yungay (only a cemetery) to Panamericana. After a few days on the beach in the pleasant P.N. Pan de Azucar they started once more in the high Andes and rode from Chanaral over La Ola and Maricunga to Lago Verde below the famous Paso San Francisco.
Purpose of travel: Discovering of land, people and nature
Highlights: Riding on the Carretera Austral. Riding on the lonely high Andean roads among magnificent scenery. A New Years dinner with Chilean Carabineros on 4.300 m altitude....
The worst: „Chilenitis" - a verry devoted diarrhea...
Earlier experiences: Hanka and Jens have been travelling several times in Australia (see Australia). Therfore B.T, asked them:

Australia or South-America again ? If we could only do ONE other mc-tour again we would prefer Australia. It offers us the garanty for travelleing relaxed in a phantasitic nature. A contact with friendly people and contact to the top-secret culture of the world of the Aborigines. If we really would have time we would do our mc-tour from 1999 again: Darwin - Kimberleys - Bungle Bungles - Broome - Pilbara - Cape Range - Monkey Mia - area around Perth to the wild flowers and then continue to Kalgoorlie - Warburton - Red Center - Uluru - Mac Donnell Ranges. In the end a bit of relaxing and adventure in Queensland. Walikng by foot in Tasmania and visit friends.
We can only write this after we discovered a part of South-America, especilay Chile. We like Chile !
03.02.2002 Jens and Hanka have been
participants at the Tesch-Travel-Treffen 9 times between 1995 and 2003. Frank in 2001.

15.12.2001 - 13.01.2002
Martin Köhler (German, born 1967)
+ Argentina. Chile.
Martin rode solo with HONDA AFRICA TWIN Argentina - Chile - Feuerland
Purpose: The reasen for this trip is disappear from this cracy, hectical and inpersonal Germany for a while. Also I like to stay in the nature with my tent and feel the quiet of untouched countries. That is the reason that I make these long trips alone. Otherwise It's nice to see the life of other people and cultures with totally different conditions. WE CAN LEARN THE WHOLE LIFE LONG
Route: I sent my motorcycle by ship from Hamburg to Buenos Aires. I will fly by plane from Frankfurt. The approximately route will be: Argentina (Buenos Aires) - Chile (Santiago de Chile). Through Chile to the southmost point. Than back to Patagonia over the Andes and down to Tierra del Fuego. From the southmost city of the world back to Buenos Aires at the east coast of Argentina. The total kilometers will be around 8-10.000. I'm looking forward to have a lot of great experiences. It must be a beautyul country.
In German only so far:
Dezember 2001 Die Africa Twin schwimmt in einer Holzkiste mit der Frachtgesellschaft "Hamburg-Süd"(sehr empfehlenswert) nach Buenos Aires. Ich bevorzuge das Flugzeug. Dann 2 Tage Papierkram und los. Westwerts über Mendoza am Aconcagua vorbei nach Santiago de Chile. Die Grenzübergänge sind problemlos. Weiter über die Pan Americana nach Süden. Vulkane, riesige Naturschutzgebiete klare Bäche und hohe Wälder "Enduro-Eldorado".
Wieder zurück in Argentinien breiten sich Patagoniens einsame Steppen aus. Der Pampero bläst mit 80 km/h, Zelt aufbauen geht nur windgeschützt hinterm Dornenbusch. Durch die Anden weiter nach Süden bis Bariloche. Nochmal nach Chile (der Reisepaß sollte viel Platz für Stempel haben), die Caretera Austral führt mich bis zum Perito Moreno. Mega Gletscher, die Temperatur sinkt, die Menschen sind sehr freundlich. Mit dem Schiff über die Magellan-Straße nach Feuerland. Silvester in Ushuaia ist immer eine Reise wert.
Der Rückweg liegt an Patagoniens Ostküste. Pinguine watscheln vor dem Motorrad, Wale bringen vor der Küste ihre Jungen zur Welt. Natur pur.
Nach 6 Wochen bin ich wieder in Buenos Aires. 10.000 Gesamtkilometer, davon 3.500 zum Teil sehr grobe Schotterpiste. Dezember und Januar bescherten mir nur gutes Motorradwetter. Die Gastfreundschaft auf den einsamen Haciendas war einmalig. Meine schon betagte Africa Twin funktionierte wiedermal problemlos.
Other experienences: Since 18 years I love it to travel by motorcycle and since 4 years I travel always together with my HONDA AFRICA TWIN (my best friend). I visited many places in Europe and also Kathmandu/Nepal in Dez 99.(fantastic tour) So I've planed a new excursion to South-America.

10.09.2002 - 07.03.2003
Geiger, Niklas (German, born 17.09.1970)
Rode in SAmerica on DR650RE, built 1994
Purpose of travel: meeting people to understand a different culture, seeing the Andes
Arrived in Quito via Madrid by plane. My bike flew with Iberia Cargo via Intime/Hamburg
Route: Ecuador (Quito, the Ecuator, Banos, Cuenca) - Peru (Panamericana, Lima, Huacachina, Cuzco, Titicacalake) - Bolivia (La Paz, Oruro, P.N. Sajama, Oruro, Silvermines, Uyuni, Saltlake, Laguna Colorada) - Chile (San Pedro de Atacama) - Argentina (Susques, Salta, Mendoza) - Chile (Santiago, Lakedistrict) - Argentina (Lakesistrict, Bariloche, El Bolson) - Chile (Chaiten, Careterra Austral, Cochrane) - Argentina (Routa 40, Perito Moreno) - Chile (P.N. Torres del Paine, Street of Magelan, Fireland) - Argentina (Fireland, Ushuaia, and back on the eastcost via Routa 3, Peninsula Valdes, Buenos Aires, sent my bike back by ship via Hamburg Süd, went by bus to the falls in Iguazu (Brasil) and back to Buenos - 22.000km
The best: Saltlake in Bolivia/Uyuni; the people in Argentina; La Posta de Viajeros in Azul/Argentina; geting to know a feeling concerning the word freedom! The worst: a broken chain in la pampa, near the nationalparc Torres del And: diebstahl von
Book or publication: don´t know yet. I'll make a slide-show Useful informations and TIPS for others: learn spanish!
Niklas has been participant of the 23. and 24th Motorcycle Meeting for World-Travellers.

06.10.2002 - 25.02.2003
Duelks, Dr. Britta (German, born 11.01.71) and Dr. Alexander Duelks (German, born 27.10.68)
+ Argentina. Chile. Britta (BMW F650) and Alexander (BMW R 100 GS) made a "dream-journey" to Argentina and Chile of ??? kms.
Route: Brought bikes by plane to
Argentina/Buenos Aires (InTime GmbH, Hamburg) - Azul ( - Valdés Peninsula (whales, sea elephants, orcas) - Camarones (penguin colony) - Sarmiento (petrified forest) - Rio Mayo - Chile/Coyhaique - Lago General Carrera/Lago Buenos Aires - Chile Chico- Perito Moreno/Argentina - Chaltén (Fitz Roy massive) - Calafate (Perito Moreno Glaciar, Upsala Glacier) - Torres del Paine National Park/Chile - Puerto Natales - Otway sound (penguin colony) - Punta Arenas- ferry to Tierra del Fuego - Rio Grande/Argentina - Ushuaia (spent Christmas with many other bikers on Ushuaia Rugby Club campground, service for the bikes at Moto Pablo's) - Rio Grande - Puerto Natales - NAVIMAG ferry to Puerto Montt - Chiloe island (wooden buildings in Castro) - ferry to Chaiten - Futaleufu - Esquel (Old Patagonia Express) - Bariloche - Tromén Pass (Lanin volcano) - Hostal Kila Leufu (climbed Villarica volcano!) - Temuco (Service for the bikes) - Santiago (Old Downtown, new back ??-tyres in Lira Street, adress ??) - Pan de Azucar National Park - Antofagasta - San Pedro de Atacama (Salar, Flamingos) - Tatio Geysirs (spent the night in tent at 4200 m)- Laguna Verde/Bolivia - Jama Pass - Susques/Argentina - Jujuy - Salta - Cafayate (wineries) - Belen - Fiambala - day trip to San Francisco Pass - Fiambala - Chilecito (Carnival) - Talampaya National Park - Villa Union - Agua Negra Pass (4779 m, most beautiful Andes pass of our trip!) - Vicuna/Chile (Municipal Observatory, first and only flat tyre) - La Serena - Llayllay - day trip to Puente del Inca/Argentina (try to avoid this border station for its horribly unmotivated customs officers!) - Santiago - brought bikes by plane back to Germany (Hellmann Ltda., Santiago Airport)
Purpose of travel: Go for the dream of our life, take a last time-out, to see nature and to feel freedom
Highlights: Friendliness of people, glaciers, volcanos, fauna...
The worst: only 1(!) flat tyre
Earlier Experiences of big Motorcycle-Tours: Alexander: South Africa, 10/1995
04.2002 1st contact
23.03.2003 2nde request for update
24.03.203 Du weißt ja gut Bescheid, tatsächlich sind wir nach unserer Traumreise nach Argentinien und Chile wohlbehalten wieder am Niederrhein angekommen und durchlaufen jetzt schon seit knapp einem Monat einen harten Resozialisierungsprozeß ;-)

13.01.2003 - 14.07.2003
Vogel, Christopher (German, born 28.08.1965)
Rode in SAmerica with YAMAHA XT 600 E; called "el burrito (=Eselchen" = small horse).
Purpose of travel: Fun. Feeling free, Meeting nice people, learning español
Arrived in Buenos Aires after 20 hours of flight. Temperature in BA 40°C. Wants to learn Spanish there before he starts to ride. Flew to Santiago/Chile by plane and drove with taxi-driver to Valparaiso where he got his bike. Started with and lost him "on the road". Separated therefore after a few days. Arrived Ushuaia at 21.3.2003.
Route: Valparaiso, Puerto Montt, Careterra Austral, Perito Moreno, Torres del Paine, Punta Arenas, Ushuaia, Peninsula Valdes, Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Florianopolis, Foz de Iguazu, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Pantanal, Ride to Paraguay, Salta, San Pedro de Atacama, Valparaiso, Santiago - ca. 23.000 km. Planned was 20.000 km
The best: Cueva de las manos/cave of hands/Argentina, and: Glaciar Perito Moreno in El Calafate/Argentina, and: tatio geysires at San Pedro de Atacama/Chile, and: Foz de Iguazu/Argentinien+Brasil, and: Rio de Janeiro/Brasil, and: a lot of helping hands everywhere!. And: feeling free on bike. And: kennenlernen von vielen Einheimischen und Touristen.
The worst: Losing Mr. Florian - der Kerl ist mir mit meinen Ersatzteilen abgehauen - keine schoene Sache. hat sich zum Glueck entschuldigt.
And: diebstahl von kamera in buenos aires und allen motorradwerkzeugen in Chile
Book or publication: I'll write a book after the tour. I'll make a slide-show
Useful informations and TIPS for others: Only: MAKE IT! If you have questions: send me a mail.
2002 Christopher has been participant of the 23. and 24th Motorcycle Meeting for World-Travellers and used TTTräger and TTTaschen.

10..2003 - 03.2004
Engelbrechten, Hans-Peter von (German, born 1967)
- Plan Chile - Ushuaia- Argentinien - Brasilien. First plan 01.2003. Changed plan to october 2003 because of his job: Solo SAmerika with HONDA Africa Twin RD 07 ?
Purpose of travel: Land und Leute kennen lernen, Fernweh, Abenteuerlust
Earlier experiences: 10/2002 Slowenien und Kroatien, 06/2003 Spanien und Portugal
Route: Chile - Argentinien - Brasilien
13.09.02 1st contact

28.09.2003 - 31.01.2004
Sörries, Nataly (born 27.09.1972) and Claus Holtmann (born 07.02.1968)
- Plan Equador - Peru - Bolivia - Chile.
Nataly and Claus want to ride with one HONDA Africa Twin RD 07 15.000 kms
Purpose of travel: Pleasure. Want to meet nice people, interesting cultures and see a lot of the beautiful nature. Dreams of far travels.
Earlier experiences: 2 months in Australia in 1999 / 2000. 1 month in NZ in 1997. Touring Europe 1988 (Corse), 1989 (France), 1989 (Greak Britain).
Route: Equador - Peru - Bolivia - Chile
12.07.2003 1st contact by personal visit in Hammer.

Lenz, Rafael (born ??, German)
- Plan to travel in SAmerica.

16.08.2003 1st information. Rafael has been at the 25th Meeting for World-Travellers in 04.2003
18.08.2003 1st request for update

10.2006 - 01.2007
Govers, Patricia  (Dutch) and  Bernd  Tesch (German)
- Plan South-America.


Cuatrochio, Jorge (Argentina)     email:
Jorge is top-organisator of a motorcycle-club for travellers