Women Mc Travels
World Around Traveller

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Around-The-World by Car

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How to see and print out (free of charge) or to buy maps for your mc-tour ?
See a good view for all continents or countries at:

Information about ? Car-Tours Around-The-World: 1902 - today (plans)

First summary in Internet about "Around-The-World by Car".
02.1998: A part of this informations you found under > > German or Engl. version >NEWS.
15.07.2001: Start of this collection first time in internet under > > German or Engl. version >worldaround >by car.
I would be grateful if you could help to keep this update ! So far you find many language and grammar mistakes inside because of lack of time. Pardon. Will be corricated and updated with more Around-The-World-Travellers in future. If you find yourself inside or any lack of information please inform me!

Bernd Tesch has been working in this field "Around The World" since 1970. In this times I had to write letters and to phone or to visit the World-Around-Travellers to get contact / information. Later Fax helped. In 1991 I visited the most famous motorcycle-travellers in Denmark, in 1993 in Britain, in 1994 in USA and in between many in Europe (France, Germany, Netherland, Switzerland). In 1999-2000 I visited famaous Mc-Travllers in Australia. In october 2000 I saw Alberto Granda, best mc-travel-friend of Ernesto "Che" Guevara in CUBA. Many of Travellers Around-The-World have been at my yearly Globetrotter Meeting since 1978: Cars 1978-1995 and Motorcycles 1978 until now: "Motorcycle-Meeting for World-Travellers in april". In 1998 there have been 20 RTW travellers by motorcycle within 300 participants. In 2000 11 of them. Nobody knows more World-Around-Travellers in person as Bernd Tesch. I own the largest archive of World-Around-Travellers: 10 file-boxes full packed (90 cm wide).

To find all this and all my activities was a "life-long job" and cost me a lot of money. Since many years I am working in a new book called "Motorrad-Welt-Reisen" = Motorcycle-World-Around-Travels. All books about "Around-The-World" by motorcycle which have been published until 1994 are published in my in German written, but very international understandable book called "Motorrad-Abenteuer-Touren" = Motorcycle-Adventure-Tours (432 pp, 500 pictures / drawings. About 264 Motorcyle World-Tours. ISBN 3-9800099-55-5. DM 38.90). I own all this books in all languages.

If there is shown "Book:" under the traveller and you want to read / order this you can check if it is still available: >> >> German or English version >> Bestelliste or order. If you find this book there you can order it. I offer about 183 international available Motorcycle-TRAVEL-Books for sale.

I have had many discussions what you can call a Motorcycle or car-tour "Around-The-World". There does not exist only ONE definition. This defintion has changed many times by time since 1903, because of the cars or motorcycles who were availbale and the conditions of the known / unknown roads and their infrastructure with water / food / petrol. Some travellers thing that you must have done it in ONE tour. Others thing that you must have been in each continent. American Jim Rogers things that you must have crossed each continent in one tour (covered 6 continents). Australian David McGonical visited all seven continents (including Antarctica) AND all time-tones with his motorcycle !
Bernd Tesch thinks that we all should be very tolerant to each other: The earliest Car / Motorcycle-Travellers had quite different conditions like the first car RTW with Charles J. Glidden 1901-1904 or (USA) or the first motorcycle RTW with Clancy in 1912 -13. I even think it is interesting to know who planned to go Around-The-World, and started but did not finish it for different reasons...

If you are a World-Around-Traveller or plan to do this or "on the road" already or know anyone who is not listed here, please send my any details, addresses, publications, homepages and most important: best pictures.

PLEASE give me at first a complete view like this EXAMPLE-BLOCK  in THIS STYLE in English:
01.10.2010 - 27.10.2011
Sven Müller (German)  your http://www.???
Solo Around the World with car Volkswagen bus. 50.000 kms. He rode together with Susan Smith (British) who rode a HONDA 500 XL.
Purpose: ??
Route: ?? Europe 12.000 kms (Germany - Austria - Switzerland - Italy - Greek - Turkey ....) - Asia 15.000 kms (Iran - Pakistan - India - Nepal. Bike solo by plane to Singapure. I flew to Singapure. Malaysia - Thailand - back to Singapure). - Australia 16.000 kms (I flew together with bike to Darwin. Around  Australia 16.000 kms. Or offer names like: Darwin - Adelaide - Melbourne - Sydney ...) - North-America (I flew with bike to Los Angeles. LA - New York) - Africa - Europe (Bike by ship to Netherlands / Amsterdam - Germany / Cologne).
The best: I wanted to find myself. Freedom. Sun. Friendship of  Turkey people. invitation by Pakistani. Climbing the Himalayas........)
The worst: I got Malaria in Nairobi. Attack of soldiers with weapons in Iran.....)...
Important useful informations for others:... ??
Book or publication (about your tour):... ??

I am very grateful to all the individuals who knew that I am working in this field. They informed me since 1970 worldwide by meeting me, phoning, sending letters, later faxes and emails since 1994 about World-Around-Travellers. Without their help I could not get to this high level. This internet-list had to be done in many days but too quick, because I did not have enough time. So please give me your "pardon" that there are mistakes inside of the information and a lot in my language.
At least you will never have seen such a collection of information in internet or literature.

Bernd Tesch

Around-The-World by Car
(Summarises by year of start)

10.10.2001 The subject below is to circle the world by CAR.  I own a lot of information as well about other kinds of going Around-The-World. Especially I own the old books about round-the-world by cars. But I cannot do the job to collect, summarise and publish all this alone here. So, if  YOU know interesting tours of travelling Around-The-World please inform me. Even if you know good books about this subject.

Plan or experience? You can talk with 300 high experienced Motorcycle-Travellers who rode all continents so far :

Since 1978 I organise yearly until up to date a "Meeting for Motorcycle-WORLD-Travellers" = Motorrad-FERNREISE-Treffen.
Always end of april. In the years 2008, 2011, 2016 with main subject "World-AROUND-Travels".
TRY hard to be there in Germany / Belgium.
Organisation by Bernd (Tesch). See >Treffen or > Meeting

How many countries does the World have?
To answer this question exactly is difficult because this changes many times in the earlier years. I never could read a publication about this. Have you seen one?

1985: Emilio Scotto: The 172 countries that were in the world in 1985 now in 1998 are 215.
1998: Peter Forwood informed me that there are 247 countries in 3 categories in the world according to Rand McNally atlas. There are 191 totally independent countries at all.
2001: The German leading book "Fischer Alamach 2001" says: 193 countries
2010: 193 countries in the world.
2017: 194 countries

How to move by power ?
The idea to move with power of others is very old. The Greek word "automobil" means ("Autos" = selbst = self. "Mobil" = Bewegen = to move) that the thing moves by itself. The question was only how? So people tried many ways: Vehicles moved by power of clocks (= Uhrwerksantrieb (1870 ?) or power of mills (= Windmühlenantrieb) (1760). Vehicles moved by feathers (= Federn), who where wind up and gave power back. People used steam (= Dampf) or gunpowder (= Wasserstoffgas (Schießpulver)) to move.

10-20 billion (= Millarden) years ago
The universe started to exist somehow.

4.5 billion years ago
The Sun and Earth were created. The earth is one of nine big planets of the sun. Possibly out of change of gravity in the universe it was caused that dust attracted each other at first to smaller parts which are getting bigger and bigger. Finally becoming big rocks which attracted each other to big planets. Most of them were attracted by the biggest part which is the sun. The nine planets could escape somehow the gravity of the sun and started to circle around the sun. All of the men / women who have been in satelits speak about the "blue planet earth" because about 70 % of the earth is water.

1-3 billion years ago
First signs of life on the earth.  After the earth got colder the first cells grew in microbe "Archeos"  (= das Ursprüngliche, the basic). If this came by meteroits from other planets or developed came up, is not proved so far.

25.000 years ago
The "homo sapiens" exists.

Verne, Jules (French)
- Around-The-World. The very well known French writer Jules wrote the phantastic novel (Roman) in which Phileas Fogg won the bed to circle the world in 80 days. This novel became very famous and was translated in many languages. The journey was the expression of dreams of people of that time "to circle the world" after the British finished a railway in India:
B.T. 22.07.2000 This is the first famous book about "Around the world" as a vision.

Karl Benz "Velo" is the first produced car in series worldwide.

Henry Ford offers his first automobil in Detroit.

Lehwess, Dr. E. C. (British)
- Plan Around-The-World by car. Seit 1899 beabsichtigte der Brite mit einem Koch - Auto von Peking nach London zu fahren. Nachdem daraus aber nichts wurde, startete er ohne Zeitlimit mit einem Auto Panhard - Levassor mit Spezial - Fahrgestell und einem Omnibus - Aufbau von London über Europa nach Asien Richtung Wladiwostok, um von dort nach Kalifornien überzusetzen, USA zu durchqueren und über den Atlantik nach England zurückzukehren. Der Fahrzeugname war "Passe Partout" ( = "Überall hin" oder "Alles passieren"). Nach enormer Publicity und vielen Einladungen unterwegs blieb das Fahrzeug sechs Monate später in meterhohem Schnee östlich von Nizhni - Novgorod im Osten Rußlands stecken. Die Mannschaft gab das Fahrzeug auf reiste mit der Eisenbahn nach London zurück. Da die Reise gescheitert war, wurde ein solches Projekt einen Welt - Reise mit einem Auto in der Presse als vollkommen unmöglich verurteilt.
B.T.: The first known planned tour by car Around-The-World.

- Around-The-World. Suggestion.
B.T.: The idea in a French Newspaper in Paris for a tour Around-The-World by car did not find a response.

The police in Boston / USA was  the first police who had a car: Stanley-steamcar.  16 km/h.

1904 - ?
Charles J. Glidden (USA)
+ Around The World. Europe. Einer der ersten Amerikaner, der große Reisen machte, kaufte sich 1901 einen British - made Napier und fuhr 2000 miles in England und Frankreich. Ermutigt von seinen Erfahrungen machte er mit 5000 miles 1902 die damals längste bekannteste Reise: Frankreich - Deutschland - Österreich - Schweiz - über den St. Gotthardt nach Italien - Frankreich - über die Pyrenäen nach Spanien. 1903 erreichte er den nördlichsten Punkt, den ein Auto bereitt hatte: Den Artic Circle (Polarkreis) in Schweden. Durch den Spaß weiter angefeuert wollte er etwas machen, was niemand vorher gemacht hatte: So startete er 1904 zu einer Weltumrundung. Die Vorbereitungen waren damals sehr aufwendig, denn er mußte nicht nur die Ersatzteilfrage, sondern auch die lokalen Permits zum Einreisen mit einem Auto und - am schwierigsten - klären, ob es unterwegs überhaupt Öl und Benzin gab!
Route: Boston (his home) - Minneapolis (mangels Straßen zum Teil auf der Eisenbahn mit Eisenbahnrädern) - Vancouver - mit einem Schiff nach Hawaii, Fiji und Neuseeland, wo er über beide Inseln bis zur südlichsten Straße der Welt fuhr - Tasmanien - Melbourne - Sydney - Java - Malaya - Indien - London. Insgesamt 25.100 miles. Er war auch in Japan, Canada und Mexiko und fuhr insgesamt 50.000 miles durch 50 Länder.
Auto: The God of fire (Fiji, 1904, Glidden), War Demon (Maoris, 1904, Glidden). Boomerang (Australia, 1904, Glidden). The Carrige of Wind (Java, 1904, Glidden).
Der erste mir bekannte, zusammenfassende Artikel dieser Art ist in dem Buch von T. C Bidges und H. Hesell Tiltman (1933).
B.T.: First known tour Around-The-World by car.

Rolls-Royce builds the first 6-cylinder. In 1907 this got the model "Silver Ghost".

26.01.1908 - 26.07.1908
Hans Koeppen (German)
+ Weltumrundung. Im Auto um die Welt. Das erste gelungene Wagnis dieser Art. Beschreibung einer Rallye auf der
Route: Berlin - New-York (Start) - Chicago - Omaha - Ogden - Seattle - per Schiff nach Wladiwostok - Moskau - Petersburg - Königsberg - Berlin - Köln - Aachen - Lüttich - Paris mit einem Protos - Wagen ab 26.01.1908 ab Berlin und an Paris den Ingenieuren Knape und Maaß und A (Chauffeur ab USA) und Kaspar Neuberger und Robert Fuchs ab Wladiwostok.
Buch: "Im Auto um die Welt". Reise-Bericht. (Reise-Führer.) Europa. Nord-Amerika. Asien. Europa. Welt-Reise. 1908.
22 Kapitel. 359 S. 177 Abb. 9 Karten. Je 1 farbige Strecken-Skizze von USA und Asien und Europa. Der deutsche Protos - Wagen mit Hans Koeppen gewann 4 Tage vor dem nächsten Fahrzeug, einem amerikanischen Tommes-Wagen. Insgesamt kamen nur drei von 6 gestarteten an.
Verlag: Verlag von Ullstein und Co. Berlin. 1908.
Buch: Viera, Josef S. "Weltumrundung. Autorennen um die Erde". 1908.
Das längste Autorennen der Welt: New York - Seattle - Wladiwostok - Petersburg - Berlin - Paris - N.Y. Von sechs gestarteten Wagen erreichten nur 3 das Ziel. Als erster der deutsche Protos unter Hans Koeppen. Es 144 S. 1 SW-Karten-Skizze. Hardcover. 14,5 cm L x 21 B. Verlag: W. Fischer Verlag. Göttingen. 1. Aufl. 1960. Neuaufl. 1976.
12.03.2010 Für einen modernen Film von 2008 fahren die Filmemacher Wolfgang Ettlicher und Andreas Dirr die Route nach. Sie erzählen und zeigen wie es heute dort aussieht. Zum Vergleich blenden sie Fotos und SW-Filme von Hans Koeppen ein. Der Film lief auf verschiedenen Sendern in der letzten Zeit. Z.B.: im TV-BR Fr, 12.03.2010, 15.40 Uhr: Hat der Motor eine Seele ? Im Auto um die Welt.

Henry Ford offers a Fließband in the automobil industry

Packard builds the first 12-cylinder.

25.05.1927 - 1929
Clairenore (Clärenore) Stinnes (geb. ca. 1900??? gest. 1990)
+ Around-The-World. 40.000 km. Clärenore Stinnes, Tochter des Industriellen Stinnes, war schon mit 26, ca. 1925/6, Europas erfolgreichste Rennfahrerin. Ohne Unterstützung der Stinnes Company und gegen den Widerstand ihrer Familie begab Clärenore sich am 25.05.1927 von Frankfurt am Main auf eine Auto-Welt-Reise, die niemand vor ihr auf dieser Strecke unternommen hatte. Zwei Jahre lang reiste sie mit ihrem Adler-Automobil "Eagle" (6,35 PS) um die Welt. Begleitet wurde sie von dem schwedischen Kameramann Carl-Axel-Söderström. Sie hatte diesen verheirateten Mann ausgewählt, um "fraulich" unbehelligt die Reise zu überstehen. Später heiratete sie ihn... In einem zweiten, größeren Adler-Wagen (Auto-Nr. IT 11882, 35 PS) fuhren zwei Mechaniker mit, die Benzin und Ersatzteile mitführten.
Route: Deutschland -   - Bulgarien - Türkei. Hier ließ sie Benzindepots anlegen - Beirut (Syrien) - Irak (Damaskus) - Persien - Ukraine - Russland (20.08.) - Baikalsee als 1. Auto über Baikalsee in die Mongolei (Ulan Bator) - durch Gobi-Wüste bis Peking - Japan - per schiff nach Süd-Amerika - Peru - Argentinien - über peruanische Cordilleren. Die Anden waren die schwierigste - Strecke- Nord - Amerika (San Franzisko - New York) - Frankreich (Le Havre) - Deutschland (Berlin).
Nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg gingen die Kopien des Original Kino-Films verloren. Der Original-Film war ein 35 mm Schwarz-Weiß-Film. Diesen aber hatte Clärenore ins schwedische Exil gerettet.
Video: "Im Auto durch zwei Welten"Reise-Bericht. Reise-Video. Welt-Reise.
07.06.93 Video von Werner Cooper bekommen. Werner Cooper hat sie persönlich gekannt.
Verlag für Video: Tri Star. Werner K. Kupper. Hamburg. Deutschland.
Stinnes, Clairenore (Clärenore)
Buch: "Im Auto durch zwei Welten". Reise-Bericht. Reise-Video. Welt-Reise. 27 Kapitel. 266 S. 95 Lichtbilder. 2 Routenkarten. Hardcover. 23 cm x 17 B. Verlag: Verlag von Reimar Hobbing. Berlin. 1929.
Stinnes - Söderström
Buch: Söderströms Phototagebuch 1927-29. Die erste Autofahrt einer Frau um die Welt. Hrsg. von M. Kuball und Clärenore Stinnes-Söderström. 247 S. Mit zahlreichen Abbildungen. OPp. Verlag: Krüger. Frankfurt/Main. 1981.
04.11.2001 Im ZDF gab es bis 22.35 Uhr einen Bericht darüber.
B.T: Die erste Weltumrundung einer Frau am Steuer eines Autos.


The first modern lorry with "Frontlenkerkabine" is in the market.

Reisch, Max (Österreicher. Gest. 01.1985) und Helmuth Hahmann (Österreicher, ca. 1915 - 07.1987)
+ Around-The-World. Auf den Spuren von Sven Hedin mit einem Auto Steyr Puch um die Welt. Pionierfahrt 1935 - 36 auch über Hinterindien, China, durch Burma nach Thailand und als erste mit einem Auto nach (und in ?) Laos, Vietnam und China. Max Reisch geht mit Helmuth Hahmann auf eine ungewöhnliche Reise mit einem "elektrischem Öl betriebenen Feuerstuhl" und umkreist die Erde mit 40.000 km später über USA zurück nach Europa.
Buch: Max Reisch "Im Auto um die Erde". Reise-Bericht. Welt-Reise. Ca. 1936. Jubiläumsausgabe 1935-1985. 10 Karten-Skizzen. 4 Briefe. 207 SW-Fotos. Das Auto steht im Zeughaus-Museum in Innsbruck. Verlag: Wilhelm Ennsthaler, Steyr. Österreich. ISBN 3-85068-1769.

Left: Claudia Parsons and Baker in Afghanistan.- Right: Caludia Parsons besides a rare roadsign in the desert...


May 1937 - July 1938
Claudia Parsons (British. *15.08.1900 in India (Simla). + 05.06.1998 in Cranleigh, Surrey, GB)
+ Around-The-World by car.
Writer and traveller Claudia Parsons travelled around the world in 1937/1938. Her journey took her across the USA by a car 1934 V8 from Ford, Japan, Malaysia by various modes of travel. Then by a 1925 Studebaker motorcar from India to London. Her commentary of the people she met and of the changing times are fascinating and her political and cultural views might be seen as modern and enlightened even today. At the time of her death in 1998 she was the oldest Member of the Society of Women Engineers. She never married, explaining when aged 95, that "men often threatened to stop me from doing what I wanted to do" deciding to be a "non-marrying wife, to meet and live with her companion when chance offered." She funded her travels on the proceeds of her novel "Brighter Bondage", by selling a Ford bought on the east coast, on the west coast, and from time to time by selling her European dresses.
Purpose to travel RTW: The urgings of an adventurer and to meet her sister in India by going Westwards.
June 1937. USA by 1934 V8 Ford from New York, Richmond, St Louis, Denver, Santa Fe, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Francisco to Seattle.
July 1937. Canada Vancouver and Victoria.
August 1937. Pacific and Japan by SS Hikawa Maru.
September 1937. Malaya. Kobe to Penang by SS Terukuni Maru.
November 1937Siam and French Indo Chinaby SS Terukuni Maru.
December 1937 to April 1938. Burma, Malaya, India by SS Ithacca
April 1938 to July 1938. by 1925 Studebaker with Kilton Stewart (an America psychoanalyst whom she had met at Ankor). Asia ( India, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Palestine)- Africa (Egypt, Libya, Tunisia)- Europe (France and United Kingdom). 
Publication: She wrote of her adventures in 1941 in her book "Vagabondage". Later in life (when I met her in 1994) she then wrote an autobiography called "Century Story".
She was an early female traveler, one of the first women to become a qualified Mechanical Engineer.
The Independant newspaper offered this obituary of her.
She was born in Simla, India in 1900 and in 1995 wrote her biography "Century Story" which tells of her full and adventurous life as a writer and sometime chauffeur-companion-mechanic for wealthy adventurers. 
08.08.2017 First information by Jake Howad (GB) "I am a regular visitor to your web site and I am very excited to offer a new name for your research". I have all the books of her now. If this story is of interest to you and you feel she "qualifies" then I would be happy to send you copies of photos from her books. She lived in Wonersh Surrey, very near to Elspeth Beard!
08.08.2017 BT asked for fisrt summary like example "Müller"
16.08.2017 Jake Howard kindly send a sun ary and the photos.
20.08.2017 Jake Howard: "I met Claudia Parsons when she was 95 years old. She was sharp witted and still very enthusiastic about her travels. So I bought her book to hear her account of the long past world and the people that she saw first hand."
I am 58 and a lifelong travelling motorcyclist (Moto Guzzi). I have never had the time to travel RTW. In fact I have never wanted to use the time to do it, rather to visit places one by one. But one day I just might....
21.08.2017 Last update

Hughes, Howard (American)
+ Around-The-World. The Millardär circled the world on a northern route in 91 hours by an aeroplane Lockheed model 14. 100.000 people gave him a welcome on the airport in New York.

Lucky Lady (American plane with American pilots)
+ Around-The-World.  The first aeroplane circled the world. It got several times fuel in the air. The US-Bomber B 50.

The 50 billion car of General Motors: Bel Air Sport-Coupé.

Max Reisch (Österreicher)
Die dritte Reise von Max Reisch nach Afrika. 5 Wochen Tunesien Urlaub mit seiner Frau Christiane im "Expeditionswagen Sadigi". Da er nicht zur Spitze von Tunesien vordringen kann, reist er über Libyen bis nach Ghadames.
Buch: Max Reisch "Auf nach Afrika". Verlag: Ullstein. Österreich. 1957. 25 Kap. 26 Abb. 186 S. 4 Kartenskizzen. Hardcover.
+ O. 09.02.01 B.T.

80 % of all American households own a car.

Jean-Claude Baudotund Jaques Seguela (French)
+ Around-The-World. Buch: "La terre en Round." Weltumrundung mit 2 CV. Verlag: Láventure vecue Flammarion. 1960.

(C) Manfred Müllers Weltumrundungen. Logo und Foto von

30.03.1964 - 22.04.1984
Manfred Müller (born 21.10.1939) and Paul-Ernst Lührs (Germans)
+ Around-The-World. A World-Around-Tour with a french 2 CV Citroen (1963, 16 PS), called Difty by "Manni" from Bremerhaven through 5 continents and 83 countries. 350.000 km = 217.490 miles. Lührs went back to Germany in 1970.
The reason it took so long that they earned their money "on the route" by making music.
Purpose: Manni read a book about a French who crossed thw world in a 2 CV in 1959. WHO was this ??
Route: Europe (Germany - Yugoslawia - Turkey) - Asia (Iran - Pakistan - India - Thailand - Laos - Kambodia - Vietnam - South of Thailand) - Australia (Perth) - Asia (Japan) - North America (USA (San Franzisco, 1968) - Mexico - Guatemala - El Salvador - Honduras - Nicaragua - Costa Rica - Panama - Colombia - USA. Manni married the American Carol. - Start in South Africa (Capetown 13.01.1984) - East Africa - Central- Africa - West-Africa - North-Africa - Germany (Bremerhaven 22.04.1984).
Mexico, dann Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica und Panama.
Von Oktober 1972 bis September 1973 besuchten sie Venezuela, um dann nach Amerika und Kanada zurückzukehren, einschließlich Alaska. Wieder zurück nach L.A. und weiter in südlicher Richtung nach Venezuela, Kolumbien, Bolivien und Argentinien. Von Maracaibo in Venezuela wurde das Auto nach New Orleans verschifft. Bogota - Kolumbien 1977
Publication: Guness book of records for the longest travel in only ONE car. 1988.
Book: No book about the first tour RTW. But a book about the second tour in 1999: On the road again, In 80 Tagen um die Welt. 160 S. Verlag: Druckstudio Digital Concept. Bremerhaven. Tel. 0471-9812563. First edition 200/ 08.2001. ISBN 3-00-008251-4.
21.12.1993 Manfred called me and informed me personally about his RTW Tour.
05.04.2002 "Manni" called me: You can buy his book via Hdy: 01714744448.
02.03.2012 Bernd called "Manni". He wants a reprint of his book through Siberia. On his second RTWorld-tour in 1999 he found the name of Bernd Tesch somewhere in Siberia. B.T. was the first person at all having crossed the whole distance Atlantic (France, Brest) - Germany - Poland - Transsiberia in Russia to the Pacific (Wladiwostok) by motorcycle without Russian guides in 1992 (In 08.1991 the Sowjetunion collapsed).
02.03.2012 Bernd Tesch asked for the BEST foto of the RTWorld-tour for this blog.
See 30.05.1999 - 18.08.1999 Manfred Müller and Karl-Heinz Brümmer. Second tour Around-The-World.

The 15.007.034 VW-Käfer was built in Wolfsburg / Germany. This was the record from Ford with the model T until this day.

01.1973 - 06.1976
Theresa Hewat (British, 1947) and Jonathan Hewat (Irish, 1938)
+ Around-The-World. Both circled the world in a VW-Bus: 88.607,5 miles through 56 contries in 3 years and 4 moths. They wrote a booklet about their experience. It was the first recommendation-book for individual tours RTW or overland.
Book: "Overland and beyond". Advice for overland travellers. Reise-Bericht. Reise-Führer. Afrika. Asien. Nord-Amerika. Süd-Amerika. Australien. Europa. Welt-Reise. 1977. DIN A 5.80 S. 21 SW-Fotos. Soft-Cover. In Englisch.
At first private published.
Verlag: Gulliver Press LTD. London. Großbritannien. 1977.DM 15,90 (1977)
Verlag: Roger Lascelles. 5.Ufl. 09.1981 160 S. Taschenbuch.
Private 1977: Hewat. 106 West Str. Corfe Castle. Dorset BH20 5BE

Liliana und Emil Schmid in 25.02.2002 in ??

16.10.1984 - still on the road (= 19.03.2017)
1984 + 21 years
Liliana Schmid (Swiss, born 25.09.1941) and Emil Schmid (Swiss, born 24 (25).02.42)
+ Around-The-World.
The trip is not sponsored!
Liliana and Emil visited on a continuously around-the-world-trip 186 different countries and all the continents with their Toyota LandCruiser FJ60 (same engine?).
Both wanted to escape the Swiss days with their Toyota LandCruiser and they planned to travel for one year in USA . But the got infected by the travel virus. Since 1998 they are in the Guinness Book of World Records as a Worldrecord: "The Longest Driven Journey in the same Car": ("Travel & Transport - Epic Journeys"). Nobody visited so long so many countries in the same car, while driving so many kilometers.
Entry in the Guinness Book of Records Summary : Driven totally: 587'000 km (364'745 miles. Route: Start of the trip: 18/10/1984 with Icelandair to New York (the Toyota was shipped on 10/16/1984 by container freight to Montreal/Canada).
Oct. 84 - Sept. 86: North America
: winter 84/85 southern USA; summer 85 Alaska; 98'050 km/60'926 m winter 85/86 Central America; summer 86 Western USA. Afterwards shipping from Houston TX to Valparaiso/Chile
Oct. 86 - Nov. 88: South America : Southern summer 86/87 South of Chile and Argentina; Southern 68'555 km/42'599 m winter 87 again and again through the Andes of Chile, Argentina and Bolivia; Sept. 87-March 88 Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela;
April-Nov.88 Brazil and Paraguay. Afterwards shipping from Rio de Janeiro/Brazil to Genova/Italy
Jan. 89 - Oct. 92: Africa: Jan.-Dec. 89 Northern Africa; Jan.-Nov. 90 Western Africa; Dec. 90- 105'409 km/65'499 m Sept. 91 Central and East Africa; Oct. 91-Oct. 92 Southern Africa . Afterwards shipping from Capetown/South Africa to Perth/Australia.
Nov. 92 - Sept. 93 : Australia : Nov. 92-Febr. 93 Western and South Australia ; March-May 93 East 38'960 km/24'209 m Coast; June/July 93 the interior; Aug./Sept. 93 Western Australia . Afterwards shipping from Perth/Australia to Singapore .
Oct. 93 - March 94: South East Asia Singapore-Malaysia-Thailand and back 16'274 km/10'112 m. Afterwards shipping from Singapore to Muscat/Oman.
April 94 - June 95: Asia : 56'881 km/35'345 m Middle East; West Asia; South Asia; Central Asia .
July 95 - March 96: Europe : 19'965 km/12'406 m Eastern and Central Europe .
April - June 96: Asia : 21'548 km/13'390 m Middle East: Circumnavigating the entire Arabian Peninsula
July 96 - March 97: Europe: 17'109 km/10'631 m Central Europe and Scandinavia
April 97 - May 97: Asia: 3'782 km/2'350 m Middle East: Israel and Cyprus
June 97 - Dec. 98: Europe: 37'361 km/23'215 m Southern and Western Europe; North Atlantic Islands
Jan. - May 99: Asia: 9'930 km/6'170 m Middle East. Afterwards shipping from Dubai/United Arab Emirates to the Far East
June - Sept. 99: Asia : 7'574 km/4'706 m Korea , Japan . Afterwards shipping from Yokohama/Japan to Vancouver/Canada
Oct. 99 - June 02: North America: 58'592 km/36'408 m Canada , U.S.A. , Caribbean Islands , Central America . Afterwards shipping from Miami FL/USA to La Guaira/Venezuela
July 02 - May 03: Northeastern South America: 10'185 km/6'329 m Venezuela , Brazil , the 3 Guyana 's. Afterwards shipping from Cayenne/French Guiana to Port-of-Spain/Trinidad
June 03 - Dec. 04: Caribbean Islands : 16'728 km/10'394 m 15 different islands. Afterwards shipping from Philipsburg/Sint Maarten/Netherlands Antilles to Georgetown/Guyana
Jan. 04 - Aug. 05: Northeastern South America : 2'229 km/1'385 m The 3 Guyana's. A fterwards shipping from Cayenne/French Guiana to Singapore
Sept. 05 - : South East Asia: Indochina
Purpose: Escape the routine life; explore the world, beauties of nature, remote back roads, uniqueness of people.
The best "most beautiful places": Arabia : (Deep Arabian tradition, "1001 night")..Democratic Republic of Congo : 21 days riverboat trip Kinshasa-Kisangani (Life on a 'floating village' with locals and domestic animals). Chile : Beauties of nature (Deserts, Volcanoes, Rain Forests, Glaciers). Thailand : Uniqueness of architecture of exotic temples.
The best "others": Freedom, no schedules, daily challenges, making new friends.
The worst: Robbery attempt in Macedonia; political fundamentalism unrests in Pakistan; contracting Malaria in Africa; digging in deep mud from Komanda to Beni in the East of the Democratic Republic of Congo; broken axle on highway in USA.
Book or Publication: Website or
Useful information and tips for others: Just live your dreams, do it !
23.01.2002 1st information by RTW-Traveller Bruno Blum. Met them already in 1994 in Pakistan.l
23.02.2002 1st very good summarised answer.
19.03.2017: Unsere letzte Email stammt noch vom 30.7.2011 zu Deinem 70. Geburtstag. Wir wuerden ja Dich mal gerne treffen. Aber wie schon seit 32½ Jahren sind wir immer (noch) unterwegs. Auch sind wir nach wie vor im Guinness Buch als die "Laengste gefahrene Reise", obwohl mal ein Deutscher uns kurz bei der Laenderanzahl (180) ueberholte. Wir haben bis anhin 186 besucht. Auch wird unsere Kilometerzahl von 723'852 immer noch als laengste gewertet, und bei den Jahren (32½ kontinuierlich) sind wir wahrscheinlich noch fuer lange Zeit "unschlagbar".

Ottos Reise 

Günther Holtorf (C). Foto aus website.
+ Around-The-World. 900.000 Kilometer mit dem Auto um die Welt: “Wir haben alles bereist, was man bereisen kann”

??.12.1988 - 07.10.2015 in Germany / Brandenburger Tor.
Gunther Holtorf (German, born 04.07.1937) and Christine Holtorf (Born ??. Died 2010).
+ .Around-The-World by car. Gunther Holtorf reist seit 1989 mit einem Mercedes Long 300 GD durch ca. 215 Länder mit > 898.280 Kilometer. Sie planten 18 Monate Afrika. Danach beschlossen sie, weiter zu reisen. Gunthers Frau starb 2010. Er will in 2015 aufhören. Der Mercedes soll in ein Museum.

Die Abenteuer vor dem Abenteuer

Gunther Holtorf wurde am 4. Juli 1937 in Göttingen geboren. Das Kriegskind machte sein Abitur 1957 in Frankfurt und begann nach einem kurzen Umweg über die Offiziersschule der Bundeswehr im Herbst 1958 eine Ausbildung bei der Lufthansa. Heute würde man den Beruf wohl Luftverkehrskaufmann nennen.

Seine verbindliche Art kam bei den Fliegern  gut an, denn schon 1962 ließ man Holtorf die Mittel- und Südamerikareise der Bamberger Symphoniker organisieren und begleiten. Der 25-Jährige flog mit zwei Super-Constellation-Maschinen der Lufthansa und dem Orchester sechs Wochen kreuz und quer über den amerikanischen Kontinent.

Weltenbummler durch den Beruf
Dabei leckte er offenbar Blut: Schon im Sommer 1962 zog er mit seiner ersten Frau und der gerade geborenen Tochter Sabine nach Buenos Aires in Argentinien. In Frankfurt galt er seit der erfolgreichen Konzerttour als Südamerikaspezialist – obwohl er damals noch kaum Spanisch sprach. 1964 siedelte die Familie über nach Santiago de Chile, Holtorf wieder als Repräsentant der Airline. Dort hatte er weniger Erfolg beim Aufbrechen der – wie er sagt – mafiösen Strukturen vor Ort und wurde auf Betreiben seiner Widersacher 1965 des Landes verwiesen.

Nach einem kurzen Intermezzo als Stationsleiter der Lufthansa auf Gran Canaria siedelte die junge Familie Mitte 1966 nach Hongkong über. 1970 trennte er sich dort von seiner Frau, die nach Deutschland zurückkehrte, und heiratete erneut. Es folgten Auslandsstationen in Indonesien (1973) und Uruguay (1979).

1985 wechselte Holtorf von der Lufthansa als Geschäftsführer zu Hapag-Lloyd Flug nach Hannover, der Charter-Airline des Speditionskonzerns Hapag-Lloyd, die heute TUIfly heißt. Dort lernte er seine dritte Frau kennen. Als der Vorstand der Konzernmutter Holtorfs Plan ablehnte, der Lufthansa im innerdeutschen Linienverkehr Konkurrenz zu machen, schied er Anfang 1988 aus.

Gunther trifft Otto - die Reise beginnt
Im September kaufte er sich dann den blauen Geländewagen, der künftig als "Otto" mit ihm durch alle Länder der Erde reisen sollte. Es war ein Vorführwagen, der bei einem Händler in Oldenburg gestanden hatte. Nach einer Probefahrt von Kenia ins südliche Afrika wurde Gunther Holtorf zum dritten Mal geschieden. Im Trubel der Wende lernte er per Annonce in der Wochenzeitung „Die Zeit“ seine vierte Frau Christine kennen, die aus Dresden stammte. Nach wenigen Monaten fuhren die beiden los und waren fast bis zu ihrem Tod im Jahr 2010 gemeinsam unterwegs

1989 Gunther Holtorf KEN Otto-2s.

Gunther Holtorf 1989 mit Otto in Kenia: Das ostafrikanische Land markierte den Startpunkt von "Ottos Reise". Dass er 25 Jahre später fast alle Länder der Welt durchfahren haben würde, ahnte Gunther Holtorf zu diesem Zeitpunkt selbst noch nicht.

by samduncan (vermutlich der Eigentümer der oberen website und des Artikels)
Wer träumt nicht davon: Offene Strasse, kein Stress, keine Hektik – Freiheit. Diesen Traum hat sich Günther Holtorf und seine Frau 1989 erfüllt. Mit ihrer G-Klasse bereisten sie 18 Monate lang Afrika. Aber die Reise war nach 18 Monaten doch noch nicht zu Ende: Sie beschlossen, weiter zu fahren. Immer weiter. Günthers Frau verstarb 2010, 21 Jahre nach Antritt der Reise. Auf ihren Wunsch hin fährt Günther immer noch. Und so dauert dieser Road trip schon seit dem Mauerfall an – 23 Jahre. Der fahrbare Untersatz ist seit 1989 derselbe: Ein Mercedes-Benz 300GD mit 3.0-Liter-Diesel und 85 PS. Nicht schnell, aber unglaublich stark. Im Wagen hat der Abenteurer alles untergebracht, was er zum Leben braucht. Auch das Dach ist voll beladen, das Auto hat mit geschätzten 3,3 Tonnen Gesamtgewicht ständiges Übergewicht. Und doch hält die G-Klasse bereits seit 800.000 Kilometern, die in 200 Ländern gefahren wurden. Wenn in einem Land die Strassen aufhörten, liess er seinen Otto – so nennt er seine G-Klasse – verschiffen und fuhr woanders weiter. Von Alaska über Afrika nach Nordkorea: Günther war mit seinem zuverlässigen fahrbaren Untersatz schon fast überall auf der ganzen Welt.
Der 74-Jährige dokumentierte seine Reise fotografisch mit zwei Leica-Kameras. Er kennt kein Internet, das heisst er hat kein Facebook, kein Twitter, keinen Blog. Die Welt erfuhr erst durch den Fotografen David Lemke in Vietnam von seiner Reise. Nächstes Jahr soll diese zu Ende gehen und die G-Klasse in Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stuttgart ausgestellt werden.
08.2012 1st information by TV
02.09.2014 email verschickt.
2015: TV-Sendung.Wohnt am Chiemsee.
2017: Update aus website.

19.03.1995 - ca. 28.10.1995
Sylvia Giese und Gisbert Frech (Germans)
Europe - Asia. Both travelled overland with a French 2 CV from Germany to the Himlaya in Nepal.
Book: "Neulich im Himalaya". Euro 15,00
12.2000 1st information by Ralf Paaske
03.04.2001 1st telefone call.

01.01.1996 - 24.11.1999
Monika Wescott (Swiss, 10.15.52) and Gary Wescott (USA, 01.12.45 )
+ Around-The-World. The Turtle Expedition, Unltd. Drove Around the World in a Ford F-350 equipped with a specially prepared camper. Total trip: 64.378 kms.
Wescott, Monika (Swiss, 10.15.52) and Wescott, Gary (USA, 01.12.45 )
Route: Leg one: 25.748 kms. California - Tacoma - Washington - Russia -Pacific Coast to Atlantic Coast (Magadan Russia to Hamerfest, Norway with stops in Tuva, Mongolia and Kazakhstan). Leg two: 38.630 kms. Norway - Finland - Germany - Switzerland - Italy - Switzerland - France - Spain - France - Switzerland - Germany - Finland - Norway (Nord Cap)- Faroe Islands - Iceland - Newfoundland - Nova Scotia - Maine (US) - California.
Purpose of travel: Photojournalism, video, adventure, to meet the Russian people. To do what most said was impossible: To drive from the Pacific to the Atlantic, across all of Siberia, without using trains or ships: Wheels on the ground !
The best: All the people of Russia and Mongolia--especially Tuva and the Altai.
The worst: Driving up the Lena River on the ice for 1.046 kms with temperatures down to - 67°C (minus sixty-seven centigrade).
Book or publication: Various publications in fifteen countries and ten languages. Iceland Documentary Two TV specials. Book in the works.
Useful informations and TIPS for others: Prepare well for the cold.
Earlier Experiences: 30 years of backroad exploration in North, Central and South America. Three Camel Trophies.
Answer of Bernd Tesch question;
There is only one Winter Road across Siberia, and we were the first foreigners to ever travel on it, so I guess we are very qualified to say that we were the first to drive from the Pacific to the Atlantic: Wheels on the ground.
From our log:
February 24, 1996:
Present Location: Magadan: Latitude: 59° 35' North. Longitude: 150°47' East. Temperature: -3.5°F (-19.7°C). Weather: clear and sunny. Altitude: 150 feet.
MAGADAN February 24 1996: At last, we are on the road !! In convoy with two six-wheel drive Kamazes hauling frozen chicken and other supplies to the mining camps of Ust Nera, we headed west out of Magadan on the "Road of Bones", so called because of the number of prisoners who died in its construction, and the persistent rumor that their frozen corpses were used in building the road bed.
November 10, 1996
Mamadysh-Vayazhinka: In the morning the temperature was -7°F, and three inches of fresh dry powder had blanketed the world. A couple of miles up the road we topped a pass of 1,200 feet, (56° 51' 59" N / 59° 43' 40" E), and drove out of Asia and Siberia into Europe!! The Urals were no more than foothills here.
December 15, 1996
Hammerfest: Some semantics are involved, for in fact, there are several spots on the map of Norway which lay further north than Hammerfest, notably the "village" of Honningsvag, and the "point" of Nordkapp (North Cape), and perhaps even the "hamlets" of Gjesvaer or Gamvik could claim the title, but for very sure, on this day, December 15, 1996, Hammerfest was the most northern point on the earth anyone could reach by vehicle, and then just barely!
More important to us, Hammerfest marked the completion of what most people said was impossible; to *drive* across Russia and the whole of the Eurasian continent, from the North Pacific to the North Atlantic's Norwegian Sea, ocean-to-ocean, without the use of trains or ships. We had crossed Siberia in the dead of winter, driving 1,500 miles on ice roads, including 600 miles up the frozen Lena River. We had lived in temperatures as low as -90 oF. We had explored the backroads of Lake Baikal, Tuva and the Altai. During the entire 11-month, 16,000-mile adventure, our wheels never left the ground! To our knowledge, no one, foreign or Russian, has ever attempted this route, and
given its difficulties, it may be some time before anyone follows our tracks.
04.03.2002 1st information by Emil and Liliana Schmid. They met them 01.8.98 on the Färöer-Islands when Emil and Liliana came from Island to Norwegian and they are going back from Europe to America. Before that they shipped from Seattle/WA to Magadan in Eastsiberia and travelled with a Ford in winter (!) with always more than minus 40°. They travelled over the frozen Lena-River direction to Moscow and further on to Europe. "Winter in a caravan in Siberia" A specual performance
14.03.2002 1st contact and later all informations above.
B.T.: They are the first I know who drove by car from Magadan overland to Hammerfest: Atlantik-Pacific.
1936 First overland by motorcycle (Paris in France) - Pacific (Vladiwostok in Russia) - North America - GB - Atlantic in Fance - Paris by Robert Sexé (French). Robert used a boat on the Amur-River in summertime.
01.07. - 22.08.1992: First overland by motorcycle from Atantic (Magadan in Russia) along the BAM - railway through Siberia to Moscow and Finland by Gail and Eric Haws (Americans) . If and when they used a boat / truck fo far is not clear for Bernd Teschs (27.03.02).
07.06. - 14.08.1992 First overland by motorcycle Atlantic (Brest in France) - Pacific (Vladiwostok in Russia) directly by Bernd Tesch. He used 1.000 km the train along the Amur-River.
24.02.1996 - 15.12.1996 First overland by car Pacific (Magadan in Russia) - Atlantic (Hammerfest in Norwegian) by Monika Wescott, (Swiss) and Gary Wescott (American). They did not use a train or boat.
06.12.1996 - 24.03.1997 First overland by motorcycle Atlantic (Brest in France) - Pacific (Vladiwostok in Russia)
Dave Barr (American) In another mc-tour Dave was the first who rode from the Atlantic (France) to the Pacific (Russia, Vladiwostok) in total including the Amur-River area. Without using a train or a boat.

01.01.1999 - 05.01.2002
Paige Parker and Jim Rogers (Americans)
Foto (C) Jim Rogers. Paige Parker and Jim Rogers in Australia in front of the Ayers Rock.
+ Around-The-World.
Summary of tour: We did it! We made it! We arrived back in New York, our home, on 5 January 2002, just 1101 days since we departed on our round-the-world, Guinness World Record journey. Passing through 116 countries, we covered more than 245,000 kilometers during our travels, which began in Iceland way back on 1-1-1999. Our non-stop, self-contained, three-year trip in a one-of-a-kind Mercedes-Benz took us to six continents, where our goal was to explore as much of the world as possible at the turn of the millennium, to learn what people and countries were doing and to see how well they were doing it. We met extraordinary and ordinary people, drove through war zones, blizzards, deserts, jungles, faced epidemics, and tasted divine and sometimes horrible food, while covering vastly diverse landscapes, cultures, and societies. Along the way, we documented our experiences and discoveries with photography, video, audio, and written thoughts. So pick a date or a country and ride with us on our Millennium Adventure.
Publication: 11.03.2003 My new book ADVENTURE CAPITALIST will be published by Random House in May 2003.
02.05.2003 Information that the book is available may 13 th

Jim Rogers: Adventure Capitalist. Price: US $27.50 Hardcover edition.
Drive and grow rich! The book can be ordered via Amazon:
Financier Rogers retired at 37 and motorcycled around the world, turning the trip into the book Investment Biker, a hybrid of business advice and travelogue. That journey, however, failed to squelch his wanderlust. Instead of enjoying his sedate life teaching finance, Rogers decided to take his fiancée and a souped-up Mercedes on a frighteningly intense road trip: three years, 116 countries and 152,000 miles. Like the car that plowed through snow, mud, sand and highways on every continent, Rogers's memoir of the journey is its own breed. Although Rogers writes, far too briefly, of life-changing events like getting married and hearing of his father's death, the book has an uncommon level of detachment. Also, even though Rogers shares investment advice and observations about the planet's political economies, his thoughts are too general to serve as business lessons. The result is an adventure tale without heart and a finance book without teeth. Rogers tries to make up for this by describing experiences like eating fried silkworms and watching prostitutes caught in the world's sex trade. Mainly, though, he chronicles prosaic details, like taking car ferries and talking to border guards, and then riffs on politics, money, immigration and culture.
The bestselling author of Investment Biker is back from the ultimate road trip: a three-year drive around the world that would ultimately set the Guinness record for the longest continuous car journey. In Adventure Capitalist, legendary investor Jim Rogers, dubbed “the Indiana Jones of finance” by Time magazine, proves that the best way to profit from the global situation is to see the world mile by mile. “While I have never patronized a prostitute,” he writes, “I know that one can learn more about a country from speaking to the madam of a brothel or a black marketeer than from meeting a foreign minister.”
Behind the wheel of a sunburst-yellow, custom-built convertible Mercedes, Rogers and his fiancée, Paige Parker, began their “Millennium Adventure” on January 1, 1999, from Iceland. They traveled through 116 countries, including many where most have rarely ventured, such as Saudi Arabia, Myanmar, Angola, Sudan, Congo, Colombia, and East Timor. They drove through war zones, deserts, jungles, epidemics, and blizzards. They had many narrow escapes.
They camped with nomads and camels in the western Sahara. They ate silkworms, iguanas, snakes, termites, guinea pigs, porcupines, crocodiles, and grasshoppers.
Best of all, they saw the real world from the ground up—the only vantage point from which it can be truly understood—economically, politically, and socially.
Here are just a few of the author’s conclusions:

• The new commodity bull market has started.
• The twenty-first century will belong to China.
• There is a dramatic shortage of women developing in Asia.
• Pakistan is on the verge of disintegrating.
• India, like many other large nations, will break into several countries.
• The Euro is doomed to fail.
• There are fortunes to be made in Angola.
• Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) are a scam.
• Bolivia is a comer after decades of instability, thanks to gigantic amounts of natural gas.

Adventure Capitalist is the most opinionated, sprawling, adventurous journey you’re likely to take within the pages of a book—the perfect read for armchair adventurers, global investors, car enthusiasts, and anyone interested in seeing the world and understanding it as it really is.
“My success in the market has been predicated on viewing the world from a different perspective.” Jim Rogers, “the Indiana Jones of finance” (Time magazine)

About the Author Jim Rogers
Born in 1942, Jim Rogers had his first job at age five, picking up bottles at baseball games. Winning a scholarship to Yale, Rogers was coxswain on the crew. Upon graduation, he attended Balliol College at Oxford. After a stint in the army, he began work on Wall Street. He cofounded the Quantum Fund, a global-investment partnership. During the next ten years, the portfolio gained more than 4,000 percent, while the S&P rose less than 50 percent. Rogers then decided to retire—at age thirty-seven—but he did not remain idle.
Continuing to manage his own portfolio, Rogers served as a professor of finance at the Columbia Univer-sity Graduate School of Business and as moderator of The Dreyfus Roundtable on WCBS and The Profit Motive on FNN. At the same time, he laid the groundwork for his lifelong dream, an around-the-world motorcycle trip: more than 100,000 miles across six continents. That journey became the subject of Rogers’s first book, Investment Biker (1994), now available from Random House Trade Paperbacks.
While laying plans for his Millennium Adventure 1999–2001, he continued as a media commentator at Worth, CNBC, et al., and as a sometime professor.
He now contributes to Fox News, Worth, and others as he and Paige eagerly await their first child.

30.05.1999 - 18.08.1999
Manfred Müller and Karl-Heinz Brümmer (Germans)
+ Around-The-World. A World-Around-Tour with a french 2 CV Citroen, called Difty by "Manni" (Müller) and "Matterhorn" (Brümmer)
Route: Europe (Germany - Poland) - Asia (Russia - Japan - Korea) - North America (USA) - Europe (Scotlaand - North Ireland - Ireland - England - France - Belgium).
Book: On the road again, In 80 Tagen um die Welt. 160 S. Verlag: Druckstudio Digital Concept. Bremerhaven. Tel. 0471-9812563.

03.2002 - 07.2002
Carlo Muttoni, (born 13.02.1963, Italian, US-resident)
- Plan Transafrica. Carlo who has gone Around The World by bike already (see >RTW by motorcycle) has the plan to cross Africa with a vintage 1967 Rolls Royce Silver Cloud. He is looking for sponsor and working on a business plan.
2003: Cancelled because of no sponsors and change of mind after 11th.september 2002 in USA.

04.2005 plus 5 years
Michael Schulenburger Wimberger. Landstr. 145. D-30165 Hannover.
- Plans a 5-years travel with a 4w-drive Caravan and a motorcycle.
16.05.2005 1st request for update to him after he rode me a letter to Korneliusmarkt, where I lived in 1982.

Literatur (unvollständig)
Harold Stephens & Albert Podell: who needs a road - The story of the longest and last motor journey around the world (!!!!!!),
1968, reprint 1999; Wolfenden publishers,
24.01.2002 1st information by Emil Schmid

Andere Weltumrunder:
Ansonsten findest Du auf folgenden Webseiten schon noch einige Weltreisende
24.01.2002 1st information by Emil Schmid

After YOU Traveller die:
01.08.2000 After I updated this homepage second time with some hundred hours of work Patricia and I took some hours off. We wanted to relax in the nearby forest EIFEL conquering a water canal maximum 3 meters wide in the end coming out of the ground about ca. 9 kms somewhere up the hills. We both liked the nature very much with all the greens, sunshine and shade. During this walk we loved to discover a group of some hundred years old beech-trees (Buchen).
Then Patricia said: "In my next life I would like to be a beech-tree". This caused some thoughts in me: After we die 90 % water of our body will first go in the ground. It could be that a part of this water will help to create another plant or even a tree. So you mc-traveller could be a part of a beech-tree. Some of this water will evaporate in the air. Then the wind will blow your water somewhere and it will come down on earth or in the sea again. If the water comes down on earth a plant could grow with your water. A Motorcycle-Traveller could eat this plant. Then you are a part of a mc-traveller again. Or your rain could fall in a small river and another mc-traveller drinks clear water out of this river. Then you are a part of a mc-traveller again.

The very rest of your 10 % material could be eaten by bacteries. Bigger animals could eat thess. Possibly this animal could be eaten by another animal and this by a mc-traveller. Then you are a part of a mc-traveller again. Possibly this mc-traveller will read this homepage. Then your soul is connected with your material again. This are some possible ways that YOU Mc-Traveller never die and will live for long times as a Motorcycle-TRAVELLER.

5 billion (Milliarden) years later ALL Travellers will die:
Sun will kill all Motorcycle-Travellers. The sun will have extended so much in size that she reaches the earth. All the heat will destroy all life on earth including ALL MOTORCYCE-TRAVELLERS. That´s it !

I hope you liked reeding this. I am just waiting for YOUR email helping me to update A LIFELONG job with passion.

Around-The-World by car, on food, by bicycle, in a baloon, by sailing-boat. See my other sites.



Copyright Bernd Tesch. Motorcycle-WORLD-Travel-Expert.   It is free for you to read this and learn out of it. It is not allowed to take off or to publish any information of this without written permission of Bernd Tesch. This all is a part of the Tesch-books.
GLOBETROTT-ZENTRALE Bernd TESCH. Grünentalstr. 31, 52152 Simmerath-Hammer, Germany. Tel 0049(0)2473-938686.

Women Mc Travels
World Around Traveller

World Around Traveller:

by Motorcycle
by Car