22.10.1991 - 22.09.1994
Christian Tokowha (New Zealand, Maori) www.tewaka.com
+ Solo Tierra del Fuego to Alaska in 4 months with ??.
Purpose of your travel: ??
Route: ??
The best: ??
The worst: ??
Book publication : ??
Useful information and TIPS for others: ??
Earlier Experiences of big Motorcycle-Tours:
21.07.2005 First contact with Maori Christian from NZ on Claudias Party.
28.07.2005 1st request for update
17.06.2010 Next request for update please plus 1 Foto
27.02.2012 Last request.
01.05.1992 - 28.03.1994
Christian Frei (German) http://www.motorrad-fernreisen.de www.alaska-feuerland.de
+ North - and South-America. Alaska-Ushuaia. The
webmaster Christain rode solo Alaska - Tierra de Fuego. 67.000 kms in 22 months
Route: USA
- Canada (up to Fairbanks) - Mexico - Belize - Guatemala - Honduras - Nicaragua
- Panama - Colombia - Ecuador - Peru - Bolivien - Chile - Argentinia (Ushuaia)
- back to Chile Antofagaster - Santiago) - Argentina (Buenos Aires) - by plane
back to Germany.
Earlier travels: Türkei,
Tunesien, Europa.
Highlights: Alaska. Guatemala.
Costa-Rica. Altiplano - Bolivia. The feeling to be independend.
Worst: 6 months of McDonald food. Street bandits Belize - City. Break of chain
on the Altiplano in Bolivia. Stolen camera and equipment in Equador (Quito).
09.02.2012 Found the website by accident: www.alaska-feuerland.de
3892610886 |
Jung |
Roland E. |
Panamericana. |
In 424 Tagen vom ewigen Eis Alaskas über den Äquator in die Wildnis Feuerlands. |
Artcolor. Hamm. Germany. |
1992. |
2nd edition. |
TR. |
German. |
America North + South. |
- |
- |
144. Colour. 1. |
Hardcover. |
22,5 x 24,5. |
- |
Jansen, Heinz. PG. |
Yes. |
No. |
ca. 1993 + 5 months
Peter Ruch (Swiss, Motor-Journalist)
+ North
- and South-America. Alaska-Ushuaia. 25.000 km in 5 months through
12 countries.
Book: Ruch + Peter Panamericana. Mit dem Motorrad von Alaska
bis Feuerland Motorbuch Verag, Stuttgart. Germany. 1994 TR. Americas North-+South
America YAMAHA Tenere 166, Hard 1st German edition 21 H x 14,5 B 3-613-01596-x € 24,90 Motorbuch Verlag 1994.04.19 915
10.10.2004 Who knows his address?
17.10.1993 - 04.11.1996
Petra (Ketelsen, heute Sbampato) and Thomas Sbampato (Swiss) http://www.sbampato.ch
+ North - and South-America. Alaska-Ushuaia. 120.000
km. Drei Jahre lang erforschten der freischaffende Fotograf Thomy und die
Lehrerin und Schriftstellerin Petra mit einer BMW R 100 GS den amerikanischen
Kontinent und hielten Dia-Vorträge.
Route: Alle Länder Amerikas
bis auf die drei Guayanas.
The best: Die Leute am Wegesrand, die uns in scheinbar ausweglosen Situationen immer wieder neuen Mut gaben und weiterhalfen.
The worst: Es gab einige schlimme Situationen, aber der Überfall
nachts in unserem Zimmer in Mexiko, wo ich beinahe mein rechtes Auge verlor, gehörte
bestimmt zu den schlimmsten Erlebnissen. Mein Schneidezahn wackelt heute noch
Book or Publikation: Magazine wie das Globetrotter-Magazin
Schweiz. Motorradmagazin Schweiz. Gegen hundert Tageszeitungen in der Schweiz
und Süddeutschland. In der zweiten Jahreshälfte 2000 erscheint die Reportage
im MOTORRAD- Magazin Deutschland.
Info: Zwei CD´s und eine CD
- ROM Feuerland - Alaska. Die CD-ROM ist mit Wort, Bild und Musik. Buch von Petra geplant. Bestellbar bei Thomas Sbampato.
02.2000 1st Info by MOTORRAD 4/2000
31.05.2000 1st contact
Vermutlich längste Alaska-Feuerland-Tour.
1994 - 1997
The Norwegian ferry from Panama (Colon) to Colombia (Cartagena) existed
only 1994 - 1997.
1994 - 1995
Giorgio Bettinelli (Italian)
+ Alaska-Ushuaia. Giorgio wrote a book
about his Vespa trip from Rome to Saigon in 1992-1993. He also did Alaska - Tierra
del Fuego in Vespa 1994-1995. He has done other trips all on a Vespa but I have
no other specifics. Il Raid Mototuristico means The Mototurism Raid, I can not
explain it.
27.06.2002 1st information by George Migliorelli being "on the road" RTW
27.06.2002 1st request for update from Carlo
Nuzzo and Carlo Muttoni.

1994-95. This guy travelled as well south on a rare route from Bolivia to Paraguay.
09.08.1994 - 01.08.1995
Peter Petersen (Danish. born ?) http://www.control.auc.dk
+ Canada - Tierra del Fuego. With a BMW R
100 GS the 200,5 (!) meters long computer-expert Peter rode solo 60.000 kms.
Route: Canada - USA - ?? - Argentina.
He was always smiling and
laughing as loud as ten together from his height. I thought then nobody will dare
to tuch this strong real person because of both. He was travelling like a vagabond
without plans.
Already then the computer-expert was connected with a lot
of mc-travellers worldwide by email.
The best: I made this trip it widened my horizon on so many levels.
The worst: ???
B.T.: 1994 I met Peter in California. The always smiling / laughing Peter travels
like a vagabond without plan.
Participant of the Mc-Meeting for WORLD-Travellers
1995, 1998, 1999, 2000 in Germany.
16.01.2019: Request for update.
18.01.2019: Send a link and story and foto.
18.01.2019: New request for update
and answer the ??
01.02.1995 01.03.1996
Norbert Blank
(German, 29.03.1965) and Wiltrud Moises (German, 29.09.1964) http://www.bilder-botschaften.de
Middle- and Southamerika. Wiltrud and Norbert rode from Texas to Chile
(Fireland, Ushuaia) on a on a WASP-BMW with sidecar: Ein Jahr Drei
Räder oder Un año en tres ruedas.
of your travel: Seeing our great world, their people, mentalitys and cultures.
Meeting adventure.
Route: 22.000km ON- / OFFRoad: North America (Houston/Texas/USA
- Mexiko Guatemala Honduras - Nicaragua - Costa Rica Panama
- from Panama (Colon) to Colombia (Cartagena) in 24 hours by ship) Colombia
Venezuela Brasil Bolivia - Chile Argentina.
best: Diving with wales in Argentina, climbing anden-mountains, kajaking in
chiles bio bio river, crossing the Amazonas on a motorbike
with sidecar, the great friendly people, seeing our fantastic world and a lot
of time to enjoy everything.
The worst: Robbery in Costa Rica, broken
leg in the nowhere of Amazonas.
Book publication : Die größten
Motorrad ABENTEUER, Bruckmann Verlag, ISBN 3 7654 4151 1
Magazin publication : Motorrad Abenteuer (Bruckmann verlag, Germany), Motorrad Magazin (Austria,
Sport Verlag Wien)
Useful information and TIPS for others: all see on
Earlier Experiences of big Motorcycle-Tours: Crossing Turkey and Greece in 1988. Crossing Algerian Sahara in 1991. Crossing
Ecuador in 2002.
Info: Zu deiner Frage: Der Outdoortrainer Norbert Blank veranstaltet
unter anderem Wildwasser-Kajak-Abenteuer-Reisen nach Ecuador (Dieser mein Trip
wurde vom Magazin National Geographic in seiner Sonderausgabe Adventure
zu einem der 50 größten Abenteuer der Welt gekürt !). Dann bike,
klettere, paddle, skie ich durch die Welt zum Fotografieren und Leiten
von Buisness orientierten Outdoor-Trainings.
01.04.1995 - ca. 01.1996
Marc Gutmann
+ South-America. Around-The-World. Marc
planned 6,5 months. After 9 months he returned with his SUZUKI DR 650 after 25.000
kms (off-road ca. 7000 kms). Marc rode in many curves through SA and visited 9
different countries. Because he did not want to be in South America within a day
he and his bike shipped with Polish Ocean Lines from Danzig (Polan) to Argentina
(Buenos Aires).
Purpose: He visited many SOS-children villages
in SA.
01.-02.04.1995 Participant of the 17. Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers.
Marc started his tour here.
30.-31.03.1996 Participant of the 18. Meeting
for Mc-World-Travellers. He gave a slides-show: "Süd-Amerika".
Participant of the 22. Meeting for Mc-World-Travellers. Marc finished his tour
2001 plan: Another great tour!

Foto Gerald Bauer: Meeting on the road with Gustavo (-> http://www.re-moto.com ) in Costa Rica

Foto Gerald Bauer: Wale Watching in Canada
27.03.1996 - open
Gerald Bauer (German, born 02.02.1963)
- Panamericana in parts. Gerald travels solo HIS "Panamericana" in parts.
Purpose of your travel: I am curious ...
After I got some motorbike travel experiences 1990 in Greece and 1994 on Corse Island and my first contact to an enduro (Honda AX1 250 ccs) in the north of Thailand with 5000 km in four weeks 1993, the invitation of a friend to the U.S. fascinated my imagination.
Initial journey (U.S. Southwest, 27.03.1996 to 08.06.1996, R100GS, bike from Texas ): He had to buy a bike for me and so I could make a tour on a BMW R100GS through the rough south west of the U.S. in spring 1996 with some 12.000 km and 12 weeks of time.
Journey number zero (Alasca/Canada/No-One, 22.07.1998 to 03.09.1998, NX650, Germany-U.S.-Germany by plane): In the beginning of 1998 I have read a short message in my bike magazin "Tourenfahrer": < Alaska with your own bike> and that person has just the same area phone code.
So I have enjoyed the Alaskian and Canadian highways on my Honda Dominator NX650 (about 12000 km in just 6 weeks) all down to San Francisco together with Helmut B. .
On this tour we met Gerd Stock, who asked me on the Tesch Traveller Meeting in 1999, if I would like to acompagny him on his Panamericana (www.come.to/gerdspanamericana). That was not possible for me, but I tried to meet him up in South America .
First journey (South-America I, 25.03.2001 to 27.05.2001, XT600, shipped Bremen-Valparaiso): I was too late for this meeting, when I started my South America in Chili end of march 2001. Together with Werner Zwick (who I also met on a Tesch Traveller Meeting) I rode on Yamaha XT600 to Cusco in Peru.
Second + third journey (South-America II, 06.03.2002 to 06.04.2002, XT600; South-America III, 22.09.2002 to 21.10.2002, XT600): On a second tour I returned to Chili in spring 2002 and discovered northwest Argentina in autumn of the same year.
Fourth journey (South-America IV, 05.04.2003 to 01.06.2003, XT600): This journey brought me in contact with masses of sand and gravel. Without the help of Frank B., Wolfgang H. and Werner B. I would not have had the energy to stand through all this rough roads.
We crossed the long way through the Atacama desert (Antofagasta de la Sierra road), kept beside the Bolivian border from San Pedro de Atacama to the Ollague vulcano, dived the Salar de Uyuni, searched the (not existing road) to Independencia, overlived the Camino del Muerte (just before they opened the new road), got sea sick on the up and down of the Peruan Andes, checked all detours of Ecuador and missed the equator monument on the first hit. But I reached the equator in Ecuador in late spring of 2003.
So I experienced the South America (Panamericana) in etappes, like Werner and before him Gerd and Ellen did. They got the experiences and I traveled the easy way with their informations.
Fifths journey (South-/Central-/North-America V, 06.01.2005 to 08.04.2005, XT600): After I worked for vacacions and over hours, in january of 2005 I could start with the next part of my Panamericana. On this tour I saw lovely Columbia , crossed the Darien gap by plane ( Bogota to Panama-City) and rode all Central America just to the Mexican border. Then my time run out and I have had to hurry up for reaching the U.S. in Texas, where I have relatives.
On 8th of April I was back to Germany, after 40.000 km and all together nine month of traveling in five parts over the last years.
My XT is fit for new challenges, she may surprise me again, when I get new vacacions (not before 2006)...
Sixth journey (North-America VI, 08.06.2006 to 23.07.2006, XT600): On the sixth part of the actual tour I missed my old trails twice. From Texas I crossed the Great Plains, experienced some Rocky Mountains (N.P. in Colorado ), loved the colourful Yellowstone N.P. and danced with the Blackfeet on their tribal convention. Crossing the border to Canada I changed the saddle and tried to ride a horse. That worked as long as I looked into the same direction, the horse liked to go to :-)
Seventh journey (Canada/US VII, 20.05.2009 to 18.06.2009, XT600): This part should prepare travelling together with my friend on this single XT600. Therefore the sight seeing was limited to some spots like Crater Lake and Jasper national park, accompanied by staying on the Tynda Rally of Eric and Gail in Oregon. I was surprised to see a US without long straight roads. Winding tracks through forests, hills or mountains, beside rivers and lakes my XT600 was rolling on, all in the Rocky Mountains surrounded by snow capped peaks and vulcanos.
The Eight journey (Canada/US VIII, 25.07.2009 to 14.08.2009, XT600 and Dany): Two on one motorcycle, three big bags made this possible and the XT600 kept easy going on a round trip from Alberta through British Columbia, Vancouver Island, Washington, Idaho and Montana back to Alberta. One highlight was the MRT- Canada Rally near Nelson, the other all the big animals, which liked to see us: the "canadian girl" XT 600, Dany and me. Jasper, Banff, Glaciers, Bears, Columbia River, Cascades, a desert town, Vancouver city, Calgary tower, gigantomaniac West Edmonton Mall in 4400 km were a great experience together.
Nineth journey (Canada/Alaska IX, 23.06.2010 - 05.08.2010, XT600): Alaska does not wave with polar lights during the summer, because they can't be seen during the nearly 24 hours of daylight :-(
Arno acompanied me nearly all the way across the Polar Circle to Inuvik, on the Alaska Hwy, through Fairbanks, up to the Yukon Bridge on the Dalton Hwy, during strong rain and fog into the Denali N.P. and back to B.C..
On this trip I enjoyed the midnight sun, the flight to Tuktoyaktuk in the Pingo N.P., some wild life (buffalo, moose, coyote, wolf, black bear, grizzley ... mosquito), great glacier views and landscapes, sunny and rainy days, my second MRT-Canada Rally, lots of gravel. My XT did not like the gravel, it got a hole in the head lamp and a break down of the kick start. 11500 km in just 6 weeks is no lazy vacation any more, that was hard work with long riding days.
Tenth journey (Trans-Canada X, 28.07.2014 - 30.08.2014, Transalp XL600H): Should be a XT, but it's piston was not moving in the cylinder after four years of storage. Else plan B was: buying an old lady (Honda Transalp build 1987) and going on the road at once. But not without trying a whole tin of WD-40 around the XT's piston, which was moveable 24 hours later. Next time the Yamaha will run again, I hope. With the Transalp and some friends I went to the MRT Canada rally at Nelson (B.C.) first. From there I was just heading east through the plains of the last praerie grass lands to the Great Lakes around the mid of the continent. With the lakes the forests started, from which I believed, that they where already gone due to the white man conquering the east and transforming them into fields. But the forests are still there, acompagning and leading me to the Atlantic Ocean, where I fulfilled a dream: watching whales.
Planned eleventh journey in 201?: I have the first ideas, but nothing to tell in this state of the ideas.
Some information about me: German, 02.02.1963, about 1,70 m tall, like to talk and I am always looking for other travellers for my etappes, which I have to fit in my regular anual vacacion times.
Highlights: Nearly all people, which I met, were friendly and helpful to me. Even if they have poor money and properties, but they are some content with their lifes. The landscapes and the flora/fauna are fascinating all over the world, when I have the chance to see them in nature and not captured or damaged by humans.
The worst: I have had some difficulties (with the bike, with the borders ...), but I have no "worst" !
Book or publication (about your tour): ???
Useful informations and TIPS for others: take parts for repairing a hole in the tire, all other problems could be solved with the help of nice people, every problem can be fixed or overwhelmed somewhere, somehow, sometime
Further Experiences of big Motorcycle-Tours:
Thailand (North, 25.03.1993 to 13.05.1993, with 4 weeks AX1, rental bike);
Thailand (North, 05.11.1993 to 28.11.1993, with 1 week AX1, rental bike);
Corsica (19.09.1994 to 03.10.1994, NX650);
Marokko (27.02.2000 to 17.03.2000, NX650, guided tour with Toyota for the luggage);
Mallorca (26.12.2010 to 06.01.2011, XT660 rental bike);
Norway "Nordkap" (17.06.2011 to 09.07.2011, NTV650 "Revere");
Cypress (27.12.2011 to 07.01.2012, XR250 rental bike);
Toscana (18.09. to 30.09.2012, XT600Z "Tenere");2
Madeira (25.12.2012 to 04.01.2013, F650 single cyl. rental bike);
Namibia (11.08.2013 to 27.08.2013, XT660 rental bike, guided tour with luggage car);
30.04.2002 1st information. Gerald has been three times on the TTTreffen.
19.03.2008 last update.
12.05.2010 Last update
10.08.2011 Next request for update
27.08.2011 Last update
20.03.2014 Last update: Very good and helpful!
Last update.
1997. Chile. Astrid Griep
mit SUZUKI DR 350. So, wie wir Astrid alle kennen: Hübsch. Immer lächelnd. Bescheiden und zufrieden mit wenig. Eine "ideale" Reisebegleiterin.
26.05.1996 - 04.12.1998
Astrid Griep (born 1969) and Daniel Duwe (born 1971, both Germans). Astrids
homepage demnächst..
+ Alaska - Tierrad del Fuego. Astrid
(Suzuki DR 350) and Daniel (Honda Transalp) rode 21 months and 60.000 kms (shortest
distance Alaska - Tierre del Fuego ca. 17.000 km).
Purpose of travel: Curiosity for other countries and how the people live there.
Route: North America
(USA (Anchorage) - Canada - West of USA - Mexico - Guatemala. Here we celebrated
our first christmas. In Honduras we stayed the next 3 months: Holiday form travelling.
Nicaragua - Costa Rica - Panama. We crossed exactly after one year the canal of
Panama - by plane to South America (Colombia (Bogota) - through the Andes south
to Equador - Peru - Bolivia - Chile - Argentina. Christmas 1997 we reached Ushuaia.
The end of a dream !
The best: The people and the endless
nature in Alaska and Kanada, the beauty of Western USA, the beautiful caribean
coast in Mexico, the Andes with the volcanos, altiplano, saltlakes and of course
reaching Tierra del Fuego after 60.000 km.
The Worst: A crash with
a cow in the dschungel of Bolivia. Yeah - 2 weeks before I crashed into Daniels
motorbike because of the beautiful scenery of the Andes.
Earlier experiences: Backpacking through Brasil, Mexiko, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Thailand. Transafrica
by motorcycle.
Useful tips to others: Don´t take too many things
with you, you can buy almost everything everywhere. It is much nicer to travel
I paid about DM 20.000 (ca. 10.000 Euro) for this fun. All included
like shipping the bike to Alaska, the flight from Panama City to Bogotá
and the transport back from Argentina (Buenos Aires) to Germany (Hamburg). I never
counted all in different positions like flights, fuel, food... But notice that
a joureney with two persons is much cheaper than solo. Alaska, Kanada and USA
have been cheaper than we thought. We camped wild and cooked by ourself. For the
N(ationl)P(arks)s we had the Pass "Golden Eagle" for one time paying
US $ 25. We did not need a "carnet de passage" and no visa. In Nicaragua we paid instead ca.
US $ 20. At the borders all was always correct. On sunday we had to pay extra
fees at the border of Mexiko - Guatemala.
05.1998 Personal visit of Astrid: I was astonished to hear how easy she managed Alasca - Tierra dle Fuego
on her 350 ccm. She belongs to the few women who dare everything and is always
positive thinking. It is wonderful to listen to Astrid.
Astrid is planing
again to travel with her 350ccm SUZUKI. Who wants to travel next with her?
2001: Astrid has been more than three times at the Tesch-Travel-Treffen:
1995, 1996, 1997.
09.04.2010 B.T. asked for an update and the best foto.
02.2013 Asked for update and especially the best 3 fotos.
B.T.: Astrid is a very intelligent-humores
and sweet-femine woman. She is a very experienced traveller and always waiting
for the next tour... now studying in North of Germany.
25.01.1997 - 04.07.1997
Dr. Clodoaldo Braga, Turbay (Brasilian) http://www.castor.mps.com.br/alaska or http://www.ainter.net/clodoaldobraga
+ North- and South-America. The medicine
doctor Clodoaldo and Marcos rode on Suzuki DR 800 S Big. In 72 days 34.000 kms
through 15 countries.His summaries: "This is our world".
Route: Brasilien
- Bolivien - Peru - Equador - Kolumbien - Panam - Costa Rica - San Salvador -
Honduras - Nicaragua - Guatemala - Mexico - USA - Canada - Alaska.
The best:
Macchu Picchu (Peru), Cartagena ( Colombia), and the ultimate city of the Earth
before the North Pole reacheable by road: Prudohe Bay. But the real challenge
is the road between Cuzco (Peru) and Nazca ( Peru). On this road, the word adventure
reaches a meaning that only really hard drivers are entitled to answer. Extremelly
dangerous, extremely beautiful. Canadá has the most beautifuls roads of
the Earth, doubtelessly. And the Yukon has the appeal to our thirst of adventure,
and the answer to this call.
Book 1998: Alaska-Além Do Circulo
Polar Ártico (in Portuguese. Titel in English means "Alaska-Beyond The
Polar Article Circle").
B.T.: There are very few
Brasilans riding that long distances in the Americas.
- 25.02.1998
Werner Bausenhart, Ph.D. (German living in Canada) DM 38,90 http://www.???
+ "8 Around the
Americas on a Motorcycle." North - and South-America.
Alaska-Ushuaia. 47,543miles (=76.069 kms).
The German Werner (60,
living in Canada) rode around North and South America after he retired. He wrote
a book with a day-to-day account of a trip by BMW R 100 GSPD from Ontario, Canada,
to Prudhoe Bay (Alaska) to Ushuaia
(Tierra del Fuego, Argentina), and back
to Canada. It gives an insight into matters specific to motorcycle adventure
travel: the documents required, the maintenance of the bike, road and riding conditions
as they affect the motorcyclist, border crossings, transporting the bike by air
freight, and accommodation and security for bike and rider. An appendix lists
exact distances, and the names of secure campgrounds and hotels. The travelogue
includes conversations with many of the fellow travellers Bausenhart met along
the route. The book also touches on more personal questions. How does the family-oriented
traveller obtain a leave of absence from a significant other who hates motorcycles?
How does one overcome one's own fear of the unknown? The writer demonstrates that
anyone with a strong desire to do so can indulge in motorcycle adventure travel.
All that is required is a reliable
motorcycle, a bit of money, and a lot
of time. Appendix: Route with kms, camping places and hotels.
Tour North
America: 01.07.1997 - 21.08.97 28,864 Miles. Canada - U.S.A (Alaska)
- Canada - U.S.A (Oregon - California) - Mexico - U.S.A (Texas - Florida - New
York) - Canada.
Tour: South America: 20.10.1997-02.02.1998. 37,038
miles. Canada - U.S.A - Mexico - Guatemala - El Salvador -
Honduras - Nicaragua-
Costa Rica - Panama - Colombia - Venezuela - Brazil - Paraguay - Argentina - Chile
- Argentina - Chile - Bolivia - Peru - Bolivia - Peru - Ecuador - Colombia.
Tour: Central America and Mexico: 03.02.98 - 25.02.98. 47,543-37,090 =10.453 miles
Panama - Costa Rica -
Nicaragua - Honduras - Guatemala - Belize - Mexico
- U.S.A - Canada.
English. 240 pp. 23 b +w fotos, 1 map. 47,543miles (= 76.069
The best: End of the road in Alaska. End of the road on Tierra
del Fuego, Argentina. Riding in the Andes.
The worst: Rain, rain,
rain, thanks to El Niño.
Book in 2000: This private published book
is available from Werner or Bernd Tesch: "8 Around the Americas on a Motorcycle."
1 July, 1997 - 6 April,1998:
1991 BMW R100 GSPD Around North and
South America in a figure eight. 76,407 km. Ottawa, Canada - Winnipeg -
Dawson Creek - Fairbanks - Deadhorse (Prudhoe Bay, Alaska) - Vancouver -
USA -San Francisco - Mexico City - Panama to Colombia by air
with bike - Venezuela - Brazil - Ushuaia (Argentina; end of the road) -
Punta Arenas
(Chile) - Bolivia - Peru - Colombia by air
with bike to Panama - Belize - Mexico - USA - Key West (Florida) - Ottawa, Canada.

19.05.1998 - 09.02.2000
Julia Grau (born 1971) and Walter Mueller (born 1965. Both Germans
from Feuchtwangen in Bavaria) http://www.globebiker.de
+ Alaska - Tierra del Fuego - Spain - Germany. Julia and Walter rode 90.000 kms in 20 months through 17 countries with two
BMW R 100 GS PD.
Route: By aeroplane to Canada (Toronto) - Alaska -
Canada - USA west coast - USA east coast - USA westcoast - Mexico - Belize - Guatemala
- El Salvador - Honduras - Nicaragua - Costa Rica - Panama - by plane to Colombia
(Bogota) - Equador - Peru - Bolivia - Chile - Bolivia - Brasil - Paraguay - Argentina
- Chile - Ushuaia - Chile - by plane back to Germany.
Purpose of travel: Just for fun as a tourist.
The best: Nationalparks of USA. Bears.
Ruins in Mexico. Salar de Uyuni. Perrito Moreno Ice-Mountain. Amazonas. Lake area
of Chile.
The Worst: Police of Brasil. Border of Hondura.
for others: Make your own experiene. Don´t take care too much of the
influence of others.
Earlier experiences: 4 weeks Morocco. 4 weeks
Turkey. 4 weeks Greece.
21.01.2001 1st information by Petra Schommer and Ralf
30.01.2001 Send first email and asked for their block
03.06.2001 1st
17.06.2010 Next request for update
07.07.1998 + 9 months
Dan Hilgert (German, born ???)
Alaska - Feuerland. In 9 months Dan rode solo and in a group 55.000
km with a BMW R 100 GS from Alaska to Usuhaia.
19.09.2003 1st contact by letter
offering me his manusript "Soutbound", Erlebnisse auf dem langen Weg
von Alaska nach Feuerland.
21.09.2003 1st request by postcard. Send so far
no email.
20.02.2006 Dan informend me about the book and wants to come to the 28.th. Mc-Meeting for World-Travellers.
03.03.2006 2nd request
for update
04.05.2014 3rd and last request

Eva and Ralf in front of Glacier Merito Moreno.
Eva Schöner-Löther (German, 01.03.1961) and Ralf Löther (German born 20.12.1964) : http://www.die-motorradnomaden.de
+ Alaska - Tierra del Fuego. Eva and Ralf (better
known as RalEva) rode 63.000 km with 2 Yamaha XT 600 Ténéré (1 VJ).
Route: Anchorage to Buenos Aires
Countries: USA
- Canada - Mexico - Belize - Guatemala - Honduras - Nicaragua - Costa Rica - Panama
- Colombia - Ecuador - Peru - Bolivia - Brasil - Paraguay - Argentina - Chile.
We flew with the bikes from Düsseldorf to Anchorage. Also over the Darien
Gap, from Panama City (Panama) to Bogota ( Colombia). Back to Europe we took a
plane and shipped the bikes to Hamburg
Purpose of Travel: We want to
travel around the world, step by step, with our motorcycles
The best: We
did this trip trip together and still loving each other! Most of the people were
very friendly and hospitable. The feeling" to be free.
The worst: Eva got Borreliose in Brasil, but with the help of Internet we got the information
about this sickness. And Eva took enough Antibiotika for the real time, to get
cured! The Police in Brasil wanted US $ 1.000 from us, because, in their eyes,
we did a traffic-mistake
Important useful informations for others: http://www.Die-Motorradnomaden.de
Book or publication (about your tour): http://www.Die-Motorradnomaden.de

Fotos von Reinhard Poetsch: Elke Thape 1999 "on route" in Peru
??.12.1998 - ??.03.1999 and ??.11.1999 - ??.04.2000
Elke Thape (German) www.elkethape.com
+ North - Central- and South-America. Sozia-Rider on Yamaha Tenere XTZ 660 (see Trip Reinhard Poetzsch Around-The-World)
Route: North-America ( USA ( Florida ) - Mexico - Guatemala - Belize - Costa Rica - Panama - South-America (Columbia - Ecuador - Peru - Bolivia - Chile - Argentina - (Cartagena - Ushuaia - El Chaiten by bus and hitch hiked Carretera Austral, Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil)
Purpose of travel: Love
The best: Every new experience and person on the way, travelling together
The worst: End of riding together in El Chaiten / Argentina
Useful tip: Bring little
Previous experiences: Rode own motorbikes and have been Sozia-rider for years in Europe , travelled 77+countries by motorbike, car, sailboat, plane, container ship, train, hiked, bicycled...
Plan / search: Would love to go on more adventures with someone, especially ride more through Africa, Russia and joining countries , Mongolia, Asia... sail the world with someone... and other journeys.... Who loves to ride / sail / travel with me ?
06.04.2007 First summary from Elke. Living / working in USA (Nantucket, MA) at this times.
13.04.2007 last summary
14.03.2013 Foto.
15.12.1998 - ??.04.2003
Helmut Mazur (German, born ??.??.19??) no website
+ Tierra del Fuego -Alaska. Helmut rode solo with a BMR R 100 GS PD and Tesch-Travel-Taschen from Tierra del Fuego to Alaska and rode ??? km.
Purpose of your travel: ?
Route : Germany (Wiggenbach im Allgäu) - ?? - Russia (Danzig). With a Polish freightboat (Polish Ocean Lines ??. Price ??? ) via Atlantic in 1 months to Spain - South America (Brazil - Uruguay - Argentina (Buenos Aires) - by motorcycle overland to Chile to visit relations. South to Tierra del Fuego - on the side of the Atlantic in Argentina - Chile - Bolivia - Chile (Santiago de Chile) - back to Tierra del Fuego - Bolivia - Peru (Lago Titicaca) - Ecuador (Guayaquil) - flight to Galapagos Inseln - Colombia - Venezuela (Merida - Quer durch Venezuela bis zur "Gran Sabana", an der Grenze zu Brasilien und Guayana - Richtung Norden und an der venezulanischen und kolumbianischen Karibikküste bis nach Barranquilla) - by freighplane to Panama (Panama ciity) - Costa Rica - Nicaragua - Honduras - El Salvador - Guatemala - Belize - Mexico) - by plane when ???? back to Germany for half a year - by plane when ??? Germany - Mexico. By motorcycle all over Mexico - USA (Phoenix - southwest - along the Rocky Mountains to Canada (Vancouver). With a ferry to Vancouver Island and from the north with a secons ferry to Skagway in Alaska. In Alaska I rode on all tamac-roads and up to Prudoe Bay, the most northern point. Back alonf the Rockies through Canada to the USA (Yellowstone National Park). Along the American- Canadian border besides the great lakes to Washington D.C. late autumn 2002. I left the motorcycle there and flew in the winter 20002-2003 to Brasilia. By bus and ship around Brasilia. Back to USA and sale of the motorcycle in Washington D.C. By plane back to Europe (Amsterdam - Germany) in april 2003
The best: ???
The worst: ??
Book or publication (about your tour): ??
My useful informations and TIPS for others: ??
My earlier experiences of big Motorcycle-Tours: ??
28.07.2009 Erste Info darüber bei Gespräch mit Helmut, der eine Overland-Tour in 2012 nach Indien und weiter ? mit einer BMW R 80 G/S plant.03.11.2009 1 st summary in German
04.11.2009 1 st request for summary- Helmut: Most important Tesch-Tipp: Please add einen Ölkühler to the 80 G/S.
Jan Freeman and ? (English)
+ Alaska to Tierra Del Fuego. In 14 months we rode 60000km.
Purpose: ??
Route: Prudhoe Bay in Alaska to Tierra Del Fuego via Canada - USA - Mexico - Guatemala - El Salvador - Honduras - Nicaragua - Costa - Rica - Panama - Colombia - Ecuador - Peru - Bolivia - Chile and Argentina. It was not the most direct route you could do! This was on the GS and anF650.
I have many pictures from my trips but they are all slides. It was great to hear from you as Ihave heard much about you from the German bike riders we have met over the years.
The best: ??
The worst: ??
Useful information for others: ??
If you want any more information on any of this please contact me .
I hope you will keep in touch.
Best wishes, Ian Freeman
18.05.2010 All Jan Freeman-information stored so far under ASIA homepage
18.05.2010 Next request for update and the best foto of travellers with the mc

2005. Brasilien. Staat Minas Gerais. Zwischen Biribiri und Diamentina. Zwischen Biribiri und Ouro Preto im Osten (bei Belo Horizonte), gibt es eine ganze Reihe von Bergbaustädten. Erster Ort frei von alten Minen, die sich fast bis nach Belo Horizonte ziehen. Foto Max Dietrich.
17.12.1998 - 29.11.2005
Margrit Dietrich (Schweizerin, born 1937) und Max Dietrich (Schweizer, born 1938) http://www.trotamundos.ch
+ Alaska-Feuerland. Realisierung ihrer Pensionsträume durch eine Langzeitreise "7 Jahre mit nach eigenen Plänen umgebautem UNIMOG 2450 L"BAT" ("Bloody Army Truck“) durch Süd- und Nord-Amerika". Umbau durch Fa. Unicat. Eine Spezialfirma für Expeditionsfahrzeuge. Nord- und Zentralamerika waren 96'000 Km und Südamerika 79'000 Km.
Vermutlich keine beeindruckenden Zahlen für Schnellreisende. Aber, wir hatten keinen Plan, nicht einmal eine Route. Wir wussten welche Länder wir besuchen wollten. Das war alles. Wo es und gefiel blieben wir und wo nicht fuhren wir weiter.
Purpose of travel: Reisen ohne anzukommen.
Route: 17.12.1998 Verschiffen des Unimogs nach North America (Portsmouth, Virginia - USA, Canada und Baja California bis 2002 - Mexico, zentrales Hochland, Chiapas und Yucatan - Belize - Guatemala - El Salvador - Honduras - Nicaragua - Costa Rica - Panama - Verschiffen von Costa Rica, Puerto Caldera nach South America (Ecuador - Esmeraldas - Ecuador - Peru - Bolivia - Chile, Nord - Argentina, Nord - Argentina, Carretera 40 - Argentina Süd - Tierra del Fuego - Chile Süd - Argentina Nord - Uruguay - Brazil Süd - Argentina Nord - Paraguay - Brazil, West, Nord - Argentina, Buenos Aires) - Rüchfahrt mit Grimaldi und Unimog nach Europe (Hamburg, Ankunft 29.11.2005)
The best: Natur, Land und Leute Lateinamerikas.
The worst: Abschied von Lateinamerika
Useful Information: South American Handbook von Footprint war besser als alles andere.
Earlier experiences: Nein. Früher hatten wir eine eigene Firma, die erst einmal aufgebaut und dann verkauft werden musste. Wir waren immer wieder auf Reisen. Max' erste richtige Reise war mit 15 Jahren per Anhalter durch Deutschland. Aber Langzeitreisen waren immer ein Traum.
Publication (ausser website): Keine sonstigen Publikationen.
Der UNIMOG ist ein 6-Zyl. Turbo-Diesel, hat 6x6-Rad-Antrieb, wobei die zwei Hinterachsen permanent angetrieben werden. 8-Gang Getriebe mit Arbeitsgängen und Halbgängen, insgesamt 32 Gänge. Durchgang zur Fahrerkabine. Einbruchsichere Fenster und Oberlichter. 990 LIter Diesel-Tanks. Den Unimog gibt es noch, ein Amerikaner aus Arizona hat ihn 2010 gekauft.
05.05.2006 1st info via http://www.swisstravelclub.ch
07.05.2006 1st request for update
27.02.2012 2nd long request for update
19.03.2012 3rd request
21.03.2012 First summary with fotos.
29.03.2012 Next request for Update.
01.04.2012 Last update
Andi Comes (German)
+ Canada - Usuhaia. Vorstellung von "Special Guests"
auf der Bühne: Andi Comes schrieb mir am 10.03.1999 hinten auf einem Foto von
sich: "Nach 6 Monaten von Calgary/Canada hier in Ushuaia/Südspitze von
Süd-Amerika nach 26.000 km angekommen. Mein Flug ab Buenos Aires geht 25./26.03.99
und mache mich dann flott auf den Weg nach Malmedy".
04.04.2005 2nd request
for update bei Andi Comes und Christian Dick
15.06.1999 – 15.02.2000
Renate Greulach (German, born 26.02.1951) and Gino Grimbacher (German/USA, born 08.05.1956) www.gg-restless.de
+ Alaska- Tierra del Fuego (Feuerland). We rode on one bike BMW R100 GS PD in 8 months from Vancouver/Canada (we have been earlier in Alaska by bike) to Ushuaia in South-America (43. 000 km). Originally we planed to be on the road for 1-1.5 years and wanted to travel USA, Mexico, Central- and South-America, South Africa, southern and eastern Part of Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Renate (responsible for employee-accounts in a large company) prefers to sit on the back of my (Gino) bike (seaman, driving instructor). I (Gino) have been 9 times at the Tesch-Travel-Treffen and since 1995 we travel with Tesch-Travel-Boxes and the special designed frame. Gino: after all the boxes went through, they are still in good condition and protected our legs perfectly after an accident in Chile. We would never travel without them. According to good info from Bernd Tesch and his famous Bernd-Tesch-Treffen we where able to meet several travellers (German & British) in Guatemala (Antigua) and Peru (Cuzco). Dec. 28th, 1999 we reached healthy and happy Ushuaia for the great second "Bernd-Tesch-Meeting". After a great celebration (Millenium) with old and new friends we headed North to Rio de Janeiro (Brasil). 15.02.2000 for 2 reasons we finished our trip in Rio de Janeiro and flew (including their bike) back to Germany.
Purpose to return: 1st reason was: too many good impressions on our 8 months trip, which first have to been overthought before continuing. 2nd: the health condition of my (Gino) mother.
Route : Canada - USA - Mexico - Guatemala - El Salvadore - Honduras - Nicaragua - Costa Rica - Panama (we and the bike by plane to) Ecuador - Peru - Bolivia - Chile - Argentina - Brazil - we and the bike flew back to Germany by plane.
Purpose of Travel: After having gone twice around the world on freighters (ships) I (Gino) want to travel overland with Renate.
The best : To know other nations, other people, different cultures and living and dealing with " Mother Nature ".
The worst: NONE, because whenever it looked like a problem is coming up, there was always someone who gave us help and/or hospitality, so that the problem turned into a good and great experience.
Useful Information: Going to the yearly "Bernd-Tesch-Meeting" in Germany and take the chance to use "Bernd's Individual Consulting" which safes you lots of money during your trip.
Earlier experiences: Gino Grimbacher started 1974 with little motorcycle trips around Germany (20 000km) on a DKW 200.
1980 - 1994 he toured in several trips around Europe (60 000km) between North Cape - Marocco and between Ireland - Czechoslovakia on a BMW R80/7.
Renate Greulach and Gino Grimbacher together:
1995 - 1998: In 1995 they bought a BMW R100 GS PD in New York ( USA ) and travelled both on this bike 35.000 km around North-America , Canada and Alaska . See North-America.
Dreaming off: going to S.Africa , Australia , New Zeeland and Asia ( Russia )
??.08.1999 - ??.11.2000
Kerstin Käppel (German, born ???) and Benno Grell (German, born ???)
+ N- and S-America. Kerstin and Benno intended
to travel one year. Finnaly they travelled two years with two BMW R 100 GS. Ca
53.000 km in the Americas and ca. 35.000 km in Africa (see there).
of travel: A lot. It is fascinating to be "on the road".
Route: S-America
(Chile - Argentinia (Ushuaia) - Chile - Bolivia - Peru - Equador) - N-America (Panama
- Costa Rica - Nicaragua - Honduras - Guatemala - Belize - Mexico - USA - Germany.
The best: ??
The worst: ??
Useful tips for others: ??
Earlier mc-expriences: ??
mc-experiences: ??
31.10.01 1st summary from S-Africa. Kerstin and Benno have been 8 times since 1999
at the "Tesch-Travel-Treffen". While they have been in Sudan / Ethiopia some friends
emailed to me that they are afraid that they are lost. So B.T. emailed them as
well but never got an answer until today from SAfrica.
05.04.02 2nd request
for update.
16.03.2004 3rd request for update
05.04.2005 4th request !!!
09.04.2010 5th request after I heard that they are traveling since two years in Australia already.
Maurice Brooks
- Plan Alaska -Tierra
del Fuego
27.04.1999 The American Maurice (I suppose retired)
just send me a picture with his bike telling me that he is "on the road" since
1999 and does not have any permant address anymore.
29.05.01 Who knows more
about him now??
Jan Freeman and ? (English)
+ Alaska - Tierra del Fuego. For 14 months
we rode on the GS and an F650 60.000 km from Prudhoe Bay in Alaska to Tierra
Del Fuego. It was not the most direct route you could do!
Route: Alaska -
Canada - USA - Mexico - Guatemala - El Salvador - Honduras - Nicaragua - Costa
Rica - Panama - Colombia - Ecuador - Peru - Bolivia - Chile - Argentina.
1st contact
21.03.1999 - 25.09.2001
Martina Seip-Goethals (German, 1965) und Lieven Goethals (Belgian, 1965) http://www.tinkasreise.de
+ Feuerland - Alaska. Dipl.-Volkswirtin Martina (solo with BMW R 100 GS PD) and Dipl.-Informatiker
Lieven (BMW sidecar from Horst Ulrich Fernreisegespanne) rode together 57.000
kms in three parts in 18 months from Ushuaia - to Alaska. Martina and Lieven were
accompanied by their big dog Tinka all the way.
Purpose: To know the world. To do what you want to do each minute.
South-America (Argentinien, Chile, Bolivien, Peru, Ecuador) - Central-America (Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatamala, Belize, Mexiko) -
North-America (USA, Kanada, "Alaska").
The best: Lovely people. Incredible landscapes. Tinkas patience. She always new what happend in the moment.
The worst: Death of company-traveller Petra. She fall down from a bridge.
Useful tips for others: ??
Earlier big travels: 1991-1992: 1 year to India, half year as backbacker in southeastasia. -
1988: North Africa - East Africa.
06.2001 Publication in MOTORRAD:
Tinkas Reise. About their 8 months in South America.
17.10.2001 Letter from
them with foto-copy. Which I answered and asked for their block.
05.12.2001 Second
07.10.2015 Last request for answer to ?? and a foto.
B.T.: I thing no dog rode on a sidecar the
total length of the Panamericana. And I don´t know a a couple who rode with
a solo-motorcycle and a sidecar togehther the PANAM.

Ralf Paaske and Petra Schommer cooking. Ri: "Pitufos" back home.

2000. Ankunft in Feuerland. Fotos Ralf Paaske (C).
- 29.05.2000
Petra Schommer (German, born 1965 und Ralf Paaske (German, born ??.??.19??)
+ North
- and South-America. Alaska-Ushuaia. In one year the
stewardess Petra and cook Ralf rode with one BMW R 80 GS Basic Alaska-Tierra del Fuego and Europe 62.400 kms.
The best: Riding in Peru though the Andes. Meeting the people on the road.
Millenium meeting of 38 Motorcycle-World-Travellers in Ushuaia 1999-2000. To travel
by motorcycle PITUFO. Boundless freedom while travelling.
The worst: Nothing
Route in total: Germany - by plane to Canada (Vancouver) - Alaska
- Canada - USA - Mexico - Guatemala - El Salvador - Honduras - Nicaragua - Costa
Rica - Panama - Equador - Peru - Bolivia - Chile - Argentina / Usuaia arriving
19.12.1999 after 45.313 kms and celebrating the millenium there with the largest
group of 38 Motorcycle-World-Travellers. By ship to Antartica. By Swiss Air from
Chile Santiago to Spain / Barcelona. By motorcyle Spain - Portugal - Andorra
- France - Italy - Slowenia - Austria - Liechtenstein - Switzerland - France -
Luxembourg - Belgium - Germany (Zweifall - Aachen).
1989 first contact of Bernd Tesch with Petra and Ralf in Aachen (Germany).
28.05.2000 B.T. gave a welcome-party after one year in Zweifall for them.
06.-08.04.2000 B.T.: Petra and Ralf give a sliceshow on the 23rd Meeting
for Mc-World-Travellers.
25.02.2013 Last update with fotos.
15.06.1999 - 15.02.2000
Renate Greulach and Gino Grimbacher (Gino: German / USA, born 08.05.1956.
Renate: German, born 26.02.1951)
+ Alaska - Tierra
del Fuego. Both rode on one bike BMW R100 GS PD in 8 months from Canada
(Vancouver, they have been earlier in Alaska by bike) to Ushuaia in South-America
(43. 000 km). Originally they planed to be on the road for 1-1.5 years and wanted
to travel USA, Mexico, Central- and South-America, South Africa, southern and
eastern Part of Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Renate (responsible for employee-accounts
in a large company) prefers to sit on the back of Gino's bike (seaman, driving
instructor). Gino has been 9 times at Tesch-Travel-Treffen and since 1995 they
travel with Tesch-Travel-Boxes and the special designed frame. Gino: after
all they went through, they are still in good condition and protected our legs
perfectly after an accident in Chile. We would never travel without them.According
to good info from B.Tesch and his famous Bernd-Tesch-Treffen they where able to
meet several travellers (German & British) in Guatemala (Antigua) and Peru (Cuzco).
Dec. 28th, 1999 they reached healthy and happy Ushuaia for the great second "Bernd-Tesch-Meeting". After a great celebration (Millenium) with old and
new friends they headed North to Rio de Brasil (Janeiro). 15.02.2000 for 2 reasons
they finished their trip in Rio de Janeiro and flew (including their bike) back
to Germany. 1st reason was : too many good impressions on their 8 months trip,
which first have to been overthought before continuing. 2nd: the health condition
of Ginos mother.
Route: Alaska - Canada - USA - Mexico - Guatemala
- El Salvadore - Honduras - Nicaragua - Costa Rica - Panama (we and the bike by
plane to) Ecquador - Peru - Bolivia - Chile - Argentina - Brazil - we and the
bike flewback to Germany by plane.
Purpose of Travel: After having
gone twice around the world on freighters (ships) now Gino trys to travel overland
with Renate.
The best: To know other nations, other people, different cultures
and living and dealing with " Mother Nature ".
The worst: NONE, because
whenever it looked like a problem is coming up, there was always someone who gave
us help and/or hospitality, so that the problem turned into a good and great experience.
Useful Information: Going to the yearly "Bernd-Tesch-Meeting" in Germany
and take the chance to use "Bernd's Individual Consulting" which safes you lots
of money during your trip.
Earlier experiences: Gino Grimbacher started
1974 with little motorcycle trips around Germany on a DKW 200. 1980 - 1994 he
toured in several 4-5 week-trips around Europe (North Cape - Marocco and Ireland
- Czechoslovakia) on a BMW R80 (appr. 60 000 km).
Greulach and Gino Grimbacher together: 1995
- 1998: They bought a BMW R100 GS PD in USA (New York) in 1995 and travelled both
on this bike 35.000 km around North-America on 4 tours in 6 months (4 trips 1995-1998)in
North-America and Canada and Alaska.
Route: New York, New Orleans,
El Paso, Chicago, Dawson City, Fairbanks, Anchorage, Calgary and Vancouver.The
trips lasted each year 5-7 weeks. They stored the bike by friends or BMW-dealers,
flew back to Germany and continued the following year from there.
July 1999 - July 2000
Georges Gouron (now French / Australian,
still born in France 28.10.1944, just getting older all the time)
+ North-
Central- and Around South America.
Georges toured solo with bis bike a YAMAHA XJ 900 DIVERSION caalled "Ozzie" from Australia by plane to USA - Mexico - Belice - Guatemala - El Salvador
- Honduras - Nicaragua - Costa Rica and Panama - by plane to Equador - Peru -
Bolivia - Chile - Argentina (Usuaiha) - Chile - Argentina (Buenos Aires) - Paraguay
- Argentina - Brazil - Venezuela - by flight to GB - Scotland - GB - Holland,
Belgium, Germany - Austria, Switzerland - Austria, Switzerland.
in Australia joined the Public Service ! Bought various bikes then the greatest
of them all in 1988: a Yamaha XJ 900 with which I covered 205.000 kms trouble
free. In 1998 I decided it was time to shake the cobwebs from the Public Service.
So I bought a YAMAHA XJ 900 DIVERSION and in 1999 I retired from the Public service.
I flew Ozzie (my bike) to L.A in USA where I joined her right away
and we rode together to Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, Monument Valley, Mesa Verde Nat
Park before heading down to Mexico. At the border I meet with Pete, Phil
and Lucas, 3 nice American riders. We'll ride together till Guadalajara. They
then turn back and I keep going on through Mexico, Belice, Guatemala (now the road to Tikal is paved !). In Antigua met Ralf and Petra at the Post
office. Then I go down to Lake Atitlan, a gem. Then it is down to El Salvador,
Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. Panama I fly the bike to Quito
in Equador, then myself to Quito ! Surprise ! Ozzie is not there ! Bastard
have not send it yet. It was due to come by Continental Airlines (DO NOT USE THAT
AIRLINE). After a week of furious calls they eventually send it. Unfortunately
the volcano in Quito start to erupt. Flight are diverted to Guayaquil. Another
week pass and Ozzie is still stuck in Guayaquil. Enough is enough. I pack up,
catch the night bus to Guayaquil and go to the airport. I start the paper works
to clear the bike (it's 09h00) when I see 4 people coming in, helmet in hands.
2 of them are Petra and Ralf, the other 2 are Renate and Gino. So we all clear
our bikes together and are out by 16h00. I go back to Quito with everybody than
Renate. Gino and I decide to travel together, Petra and Ralf being faster. So
down it is to Peru, up a shit road to Huaraz, down a good one to the coast,
Lima, Nazca, Cuzco, La Paz in Bolivia. Up to 5200m, crossing the Chilian border at 4667 m and down in Arica Chile in 150 km of descent. Through the Chilian
desert to Puerto Montt, across to Argentina, windy Patagonia, cold Tierra
del Fuego and lousy roads down to Ushuaia where we meet again with Petra
and Ralf, Mark, Uwe and a few others and we all greet the New Year in Ushuaia.
Then it's back to Chili and the glacier Perito Moreno, back to windy Patagonia
up Argentina to Buenos Aires. Uwe leaves us. Renate and Gino go to Rio
via Iguazu Falls and back to Germany. Mark and I go to Uruguay. Mark leaves
from Montevideo to England. I'm back by myself across Paraguay, Argentina again, Iguazu falls, Brazil (I reach Rio on Carnaval day) up to Belem.
Ozzie and I take a river boat to Manaus and back on the road to Caracas in Venezuela from where we fly to London. After a few days with Mark (thank you ) since I live
in the South of France I take the short way through Wales and Scotland then Holland, Belgium, Germany where I'm welcomed by Renate
and Gino (Thanks guys), Austria, Switzerland and then down South
to France where I'm bored !
The best : the whole trip
WORSE : now
Sorry mate Bernd: I'm afraid i've been a bit long but it's
easy to get carried away
21.01.01 1st information by Petra Schommer and Ralf
23.01.01 1st answer by Georges
??.??.2000 - ??.??.2000
Dr. Stephen Rasmussen (American, born ??) . www.netvista.net/~rasmus
Alaska -Tierra del Fuego. "Tip to Tip
2000". Sthephen rode solo from USA (San Francisco to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska)
and then down to Argentina (TDF). Then back to USA (Miami, Florida and home to
California). How many km?? and different countries??t
He used a 1987 Honda
XL for Alaska part of trip and a 1990 Honda XL600: NO complaints! Perfect for
off-highway travel with 6 gallon gas tank.Honda Transalp 600 for the rest. Transalp:
Only one small electrical problem.......wished I had a larger gas tank.
part: 3 months stay in Costa Rica and all of South America
of travel: ???
Route: Country by country. ??
Worst part: Getting sick in Peru
Useful tips for others: ??
Book or publication
about your tour: ??
06 07.2002 1st emai from Stephen
06 07.2002 1st
request for update.
01.05.2000 - 04.03.2001
Gerd Stock (German) http://www.come.to/gerdspanamericana
+ Alaska-Feuerland. Gerd rode solo 51.000 kms
in 10 months: Healthy, without an accident and no puncture. He was planning the
total distance Alaska to South-America in 1 year with BMW R 1100 GS. From Alaska
to Ushuaia I rode through so many differnt landscapes and zones of culture that
it never bothered me. It was a wonderful feeling after such a long time to reach
Ushuaia. I loved the road to Ushuaia but Usuhaia was also ways the southern point
I wanted to reach. In Hostal I met Volkmar, Chris, Tilo and Katharina again, whom
I met on the road many times. With some I rode together for parts. So we celebrated
our southern end !
Route: USA (New York 16.5.2000) - Kanada - USA -
Mexiko - Belize - Guatemala - Honduras - Nicaragua - Costa-Rica - Panama (Airplane
to Quito) - Equador - Peru - Bolivien - Chile - Argentinien (Tierra del Fuego
- Buenos Aires 30.3.2001).
Purpose of Travel: Visit other countries
and culture and for fun.
The best: National Parks USA. Small cities
and Maja Ruins in Mexiko. Atmosphere in Belize. Tikal in Guatemala. Lago de Nicaragua.
Volcano Cotopaxi and Galapagos in Equador. Cuzco and Machu Pichu in Peru. Volcano
Potosi and Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia. San Pedro de Atacama, Carretera Austral
and Torres del Paine N.P. in Chile. Fitz Roy and Ushuaia in Argentina
The Worst: No, no problems with the bike and no banditos and most time friendly
people. The worst was that the time was too short.
Useful Tips for others: Start and enjoy it, Southamerica is great and a good place for traveling. You
don't need a carnet, only a international licence.
Earlier experiences
so far: Europe (Alps, Corsika. Romania). North-America (Alaska, Canada, West-coast).
Asia (Ladakh. Karakorum Highway by bicycle). China: Desert Gobi, North Tibet with
Yamaha XT 225. This was a very first organised tour. New Zealand by bicycle.
16.04.2000 Participant of the 22nd Meeting for Mororcycle-WORLD-Travellers.
06.-08.04.2001 Participant of the 23rd Meeting for Mororcycle-WORLD-Travellers.
15.05.2000 - ca.15.05.2001
Lars Spittel und Tini Hering (Germans) http://www.twins-on-tour.purespace.de http://www.twins-on-tour.de ?
- Plan Alaska - Tierra del Fuego.
Both riding on ONE HONDA Africa Twin.
Route: USA - Canada
- Alaska - Peru - all the way to Panama. GENAUER!
The best: Im Moment sind
wir in Peru unterwegs auf einsamen Bergpisten. Herrliche Landschaften, nette Menschen
und teilweise extrem holprige Strassen. Geil. Besonders haben uns die einsamen
Pisten in Kanada und Alaska gefallen, sowie die Gastfreundschaft in allen Laendern
unserer Reise.
Purpose of Travel: ??
The worst: ???....
Book or publication (about your tour): ....... ??
Useful informations
and TIPS for others: ....??
08.2000 - 08.2001
Ellen Spencer and Manou Emringer(Luxembourg) http://www.ontheroad.lu
+ Plan Around The World. At first: Alaska
to Argentina. Plan to ride for one year 2000-2001 with two motorcycles
(Africa Twin and Transalp) Around The World.
Planned Route (flexible!):
08.2000-01.2001: Alaska to Argentina . They reached
Chile in 12.2000. - 01.2001-02.2001: Ivory Coast to Luxembourg - 03.2001:
New Zealand (on rental bikes) - 04.-08.2001 Luxembourg - Turkey - Central
Asia - Norway - Luxembourg
03.2000: Manou visited Bernd Tesch in Zweifall.
I suppose they cannot do all the way in this too short time.
See their summary under "Around
the world".
??.10.2000 - ??.07.2001
Carola Dietler and Reto Scheller (Swiss)
Möchte dieses jahr gerne wieder mal an Dein Treffen kommen ! von okt. 2000 - juli 2001 bin ich uebrigens mit meiner freundin und einer alten africa twin 650 49'000 km von buenos aires-feuerland-alaska gefahren!
14.03.02 1st information
14.03.01 1st request for update
15.11.2000 - 15.04.2001
Oliver Dross
(German, born 06.06.1968 ) www.go-nashorn.de
+ Argentina - USA. In 5 months Oliver
rode 45.000 km solo from Tierra del Fuego to USA. Within this where 15.000 km
of dirt roads
Purpose of travel: Get away. See things, have time to
float and wonder, learn Spanish, climb mountains
Route: By containership
from Belgium to Argentina (Buenos Aires). Through all the western countries of
South and Central America on a Africa Twin RD 0?. WHICH COUNTRIES please in words
??? Jointed Michael Schwamborn from Ecuador to Nicaragua. I flew back with the
bike from San Francisco to Köln.
The best: Patagonian Mountains.
Argentinean girls. Remote valleys full of Inca remains and rainforest in Eastern
Peru. Colombia, exclusively for us, no tourism > This sentence even I do NOT
understand. Please clear...... And Nicaragua, a quiet place, full of authentic
The Africa Twin was great although too heavy and it calls too much
attention. The only defect was a broken speedometer cable 400 km before the end
of the trip....
The worst: A false taxi in Peru.... What happened ??
or publication : Book:"Ritt auf dem Nashorn", "500 Tage zwischen
Feuerland und Mexiko": www.go-nashorn.de
experiences of big motorcycle-Tours: 3 months South West USA 1992, Morocco
10.11.01 1st information by Michael Schwammborn.
09.10.2003 1st contact
by email and 1sr request for update.
10.10. 1st update and 2nd request for
Buch von Oliver Dross: "Ritt auf dem Nashorn": "500
Tage zwischen Feuerland und Mexiko". 13 Kaptitel. 289 S. 2 Karten. 12 Farb-,
35 Schwarzweißfotos. Paperback
20 x 14 cm Farbeinband kaschiert .
Verlag: Dross, Oliver (Selbstverlag). 1 Auflage Juni 2003, Books on Demand.Oilivers
(33) Motivation war klar umrissen: Nach einer dreimonatigen Motorradtour 1992
in South West USA und einem Marokko-Trip 1995 musste diese Reise "intensiver
sein": Wegfahren, Dinge sehen, Zeit haben - um sich treiben zu lassen und
Vieles zu bewundern . Berge besteigen und Spanisch lernen: So "ritt" er solo sein Nashorn, eine Africa Twin RD 07, 5 Monate von Argentinien bis USA.
In den 45.000 km waren immerhin 15.000 km Piste mit einem Motorrad, das ihm zu
schwer war, aber gut durchhielt.
Es war November, in der Biskaya war Sturm
und das Containerschiff, das den Autor und sein Motorrad nach Südamerika
bringen sollte, trieb beschädigt in der Dünung. Es hätte ein ruhiger
Auftakt zu einer langen Riese werden sollen... Wochen später, der Atlantik
war nun überquert, begann die eigentliche Fahrt von Feuerland nach Mexiko:
500 Tage mal auf, meist neben der Panamerikana, der "Traumstraße der
Welt", voller Abenteuer und intensiver Begegnungen mit den Menschen Lateinamerikas,
spannend und einfühlsam beschrieben.
Über den Atlantik per Fähre
nach Argentinien (Buenos Aires). Windige Weihnacht auf dem Wege und ein Fünf-Sterne-Hotel
in Feuerland (Ushuaia). Nordwärts durch Südpatagonien mit Sturz im Sturm.
Zwischen Eis und Granit. Sturm im Paradies. Sonne in der Hölle. Die Carretera
Austral: Chiles wilder Süden. Nordpatagonien : Emotionaler Salto. Die Taufe
des Nashorns. Ein Blick in die Hölle. Zentral- und Nordchile: Santiago de
Chile. Offener Himmel. Durch die Wüste Atacama. Bolivien und Südperu:
Die Hölle der Friedensstadt. Das Zentrum der Welt. Tag und Nacht auf einer
Gebirgspiste. Auf einem Vulkan. In die Hochanden: Das weiße Gebirge. Perus
Norden: Inka-Gold. Das Tal der Träume. Piranha im Magen. Krokodil in der
Hand. Ekuador nach Kolumbien : Freundlicher Empfang in Ekuador. Tanz auf dem Vulkan.
Kolumbien, das Reich des Bösen. Von gefährlichen Frauen und harmlosen
Guerilleros. Schach auf viertausend Metern Höhe. Licht und Schatten in Bogotá.
Hindernisse vor Mittelamerika. Panama und Costa Rica: Vier Deutsche im Paradies.
Von Nicaragua nach Belize: Die Putas von Nicaragua. Nachhilfekurs in Korruption.
Bananenrepublik Honduras. Antigua Guatemala. Ein totes Kind. Von den Bergen ins
Maya-Tiefland; Menschenopfer auf einer Mayapyramide. Durch Mexiko: Knackende Wirbel
und ein unterbrochener Liebesakt. Mayas, wo ist eure Kultur geblieben? Die Kunst
des Reisens. Alte Freunde. Die Faszination der Leere. Zum "Tortilla Vorhang".

Foto Michael Schwamborn. He met American RTW Traveller Mariola Cichon in Panama 11.2001: "The nicest mc-travel-woman I met so far"
19.12.2000 - 26.06.2002
Michael Schwamborn (German, born 19.01.1964) Einen Teil der Reise findest Du in www.geocities.com/pandoras_tourE
+ Tierra del Fuego - Alaska and a part of Africa. The physics Michael rode from Tierra
de Fuego (Argentina) to Fairbanks (Alaska), on a Yamaha TT 350 - called Oveja
Negra- 35.000 kms (to Mexico) and 57.000 kms to Fairbanks. In S-America he rode
with Jeanette Sabus for nine months. In North-America with physics
Oliver so far.
Route: Germany (Cologne) - bike Yamaha TT 350 by boat
to Santiago de Chile - Michael by plane from Santiago de Chile to Argentina (Tierra
de Fuego) - by bike Chile - Argentinia (many times crosses Chile - Argentina because
of the nice passes) - Bolivia - Peru - until Ecuador (Quito) together with Jeanette
Sabus who rode a Kawasaki KLR 250 - from Colombia (Bogota) with plane to Panama
- to Mexico together with Oliver Dross (German) who rides a Honda Africa
Twin. Distance Santiago-Mexico: 35 000 kms. Panama - Costa Rica - ..Mexico - USA
- Canada - Alaska by bike. Plan with a ship back to Spain.
of travel: Get to know countries. Meeting people.
The best: Climbing
the Andes
The worst: Deep mud after a strong rainy-season near laguna
Uyuni (Bolivia).
Book or publication (about your tour): no
informations and TIPS for others: A light Motor-Bike with little lugagge is
not only good for women
Earlier Experiences of big Motorcycle-Tours: 1989 Rumania - Bulgaria - Turkey - Egypt, with a Yamaha XT 250 (6 months). 1997
Australia (East Cost), with a Yamaha TT 250 (2 months)
06.11.01 1st information
by Jo Deleker and Birgit Pütz.
10.11.01 1st conatct.
Michael visited B.T. with Mariola accompining her to Spain.
30.10.2006 request for next update.
14.04.2008 request for next update of website and..

Foto Lew Waterman. With Achi and dog Punky |